5: Let's Not Talk About It

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Taeyong hadn't been speaking to Jaehyun since that incident and Jaehyun had taken note.

Taeyong was too embarrassed of himself, and moreover, he felt a type of way that he didn't understand. A type of way he didn't want to understand, but having Jaehyun around was making it harder and harder for him not to confront it. Jaehyun, on the other hand, wanted to talk to Taeyong but was lost for words. What exactly could he say? What even was there to talk about?

If Taeyong wanted to forget the situation he could only comply even though Jaehyun wished he wouldn't. Jaehyun accepted the boy's silent wishes and stayed quiet and at a reasonable distance from him around the house and on the university's grounds. The car rides were especially awkward.

Taeyong was happy that he finally had a distraction today. Doyoung was coming over now that Taeyong's last class had ended.

"I'll see you later, Johnny," Taeyong waved at him. Johnny was working with Ten on their project so they had to split ways after school. Taeyong was left alone in the parking lot with Jaehyun, waiting for Doyoung. The silence was just as bad at it had been for the past few days.

When Taeyong eventually spotted Doyoung approaching through the crowd, he felt the urge squeal to squeal in relief, he'd be able to escape he and Jaehyun's awkwardness even if that meant plunging head first into the territory of an enemy.

Doyoung narrowed his eyes at him. Why would Taeyong be so happy to see someone he hated? It was plain suspicious. "I hope you don't have a crush on me," Doyoung scoffed, coming up to the duo. Jaehyun's ears perked up at that.

Taeyong's grin fell and was replaced with gagging noises. "Don't be disgusting, you could never be my type."

Taeyong was in half disgust and half annoyance. Why would he like Doyoung of all people? The guy had a lot of audacity to even suggest it. Besides, Taeyong was not gay, he reaffirmed to himself.

"Well if I'm not your type who possibly could be? I'm everyone's type," Doyoung self-praised, waving a hand around his face.

Doyoung's rhetorical had sparked an actual question within Taeyong and his brows furrowed. He could also feel Jaehyun's watchful eyes stare him down.

"I don't like guys," Taeyong blurted. Doyoung just rolled his eyes and Taeyong felt the stare on him shift elsewhere. He glanced over at Jaehyun and the man's expression seemed hard. Harder than usual. Taeyong's stomach flipped, he didn't say anything wrong so what was the big deal? He couldn't shake the nagging feeling.

"Let's just go," Doyoung said as if he was bored with the conversation already. Jaehyun showed them to the car and Doyoung sat in the middle of the backseat, leaving the tense pair up front. Doyoung didn't feel the tension and if he did, he ignored it, choosing to speak up again.

"Well, aren't you going to drive? I have somewhere to be after this," He tapped his watch and sat back into his seat with crossed arms.

Taeyong wanted to scream at him to read the room but he himself couldn't even fully read it. Whatever was going on between him and Jaehyun remained unspoken and unaddressed.

Jaehyun nodded at Doyoung in the backseat and started the car. Doyoung scrolled through his phone, Jaehyun's eyes were focused on the road, and Taeyong felt trapped with the nagging feeling that lingered in his mind.


Taeyong opened the door to his room with a quirked brow. Yeri was at his bed with her usual tray in hand. Her body stiffened and she bowed her head quickly when the men entered.

"Yeri? What are you doing here?" Taeyong trailed off, his voice filled with justified confusion. Yeri lifted her head but didn't meet his eyes.

"I was cleaning your room sir," She bowed again. Taeyong glanced around his room, it did look a lot cleaner than he had left it. Doyoung tapped his foot and pressed his lips into a thin line.

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