20: Old Habits Die Hard

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Taeyong slipped on the heel of his shoe, hearing a loud honk coming from outside. He scrambled for his vibrating phone but his excitement fell when he saw the ID. He declined the call with an eye roll, he was waiting for him outside anyways so what was the hurry. Doyoung always had his panties in a bunch.

Pocketing his phone, he made his way downstairs narrowly missing all the maids that were scrambling past him in a hurry.

They were making preparations for the annual Mid-Summer's ball that was the Lee's turn to host this time around. It was an annual celebratory event disguised as a fundraiser but all it really was was an excuse for the elite to brag about who had more via passive aggressive comments. Taeyong scoffed at the thought, he'd be surrounded by the same sons and daughter's who gave him a migraine at school.

At the bottom of the steps, Taeyong spotted his father talking to another man. The man's back was turned so Taeyong was sure his father couldn't see him but he didn't want to take any chances and his father making him stay for some made up reason that Taeyong knew he came up with just to annoy him.

Bolting to the door, he bumped into a maid with force causing both of them to stumble back but he held on to her shoulder's to steady themselves. It was Yeri. Of course, Taeyong thought, he'd been bumping into her more than usual these days.

"Yeri, tell my father I'm out with Doyoung okay?" he pleaded, squeezing her shoulder lightly before darting off again. Yeri was left stunned in place with her tray in hand.

Sure, Taeyong could've told his father himself, after all, his father trusted Doyoung a whole lot more than he trusted Johnny. Taeyong was on some sort of lockdown and Johnny could only come over but if he wanted to go to Johnny's, one of his father's men followed suit. That, in conclusion, meant no more Jaehyun.

Taeyong had found the perfect loophole, though. Doyoung.

Taeyong slipped into Doyoung's slim black car with a relieved breath and the black haired boy glanced over to him, irritation written on every crevice of his face.

"What took you so long?"

"Nothing. I just needed for some ball prep," he said absentmindedly, his heart still racing.

Nothing actually equated to him spending an hour looking for clothes to wear so he'd look extra good for Jaehyun. He even tried on a little bit of eyeliner but rubbed it off after numerous attempts. He hadn't seen Jaehyun in days so he was more than fizzling with excitement.

"Next time hurry it up, you know I'm only doing this because you owe me later on." Doyoung pinched the bridge of his noise in exasperation.

Taeyong crossed his arms and held back a smile as he slumped into his seat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just focus on the road."

Doyoung turned back to the road with a scoff. He was unwilling but he was perfect for this. He was known as the perfect golden child by all the parents so his father wouldn't be worried enough to send one of his men, much less call. Even if he did, Doyoung promised to cover for him.

Why he was doing this? That Taeyong didn't know. Something about 'helping him when the time comes', Taeyong wasn't really paying attention. He was back to his old habit of sneaking out again but atleast this time it was for a good cause. Yeah, Jaehyun was a good cause.

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