[my bestfriends,sister]T.B

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Jess groaned at the loud laughs form downstairs. She peeled her eyes open , the sun blaring into them causing her to let out a sigh.

"It's too early for this shit" the girl grumbled as she shoved her duvet off her body. She then proceeded to stand , grabbing an oversized t-shirt to throw over her sports bra and shorts. Jess then threw her hair up into a messy bun before making her way out of her room , slipping her sliders on as she left her room.

Lucy , her sister , always had her friends over , literally everyday but today , it was too early. Jess grumbled to herself about being woken up as she made her way down the stairs. Once she made it to the bottom of the stairs , she made her way into the garden where the group was , Jess crossing her arms as she stood at the patio doors.

"Why are you guys here so early?" The girl commented , her voice the tiniest bit raspy form waking up. Lucy swivelled around on the floor , a toaster in her hand. "It's like 2 in the afternoon Jess , wanna throw this toaster?" Jess shrugged , putting her hand out for the toaster in which Lucy gave her. Before throwing it she saw the camera set up making her say "ohhhh , your filming? Wassup pussios," and then she threw the toaster to the end of the garden. "Now can we get breakfast?"
The group were sat in McDonald's , which happened to be Jess' idea because she wanted to eat burgers for breakfast. The girls eyes kept glancing around the group , trying to remember each and everyone's names. Lucy has always bring them over but Jess was not ever introduced.

There was this one time where Jess was dancing around in the kitchen while Lucy was cooking and the boys were just looking at them when they sneaked into the house. Jess then bumped into Tobi who caught her before she fell backwards from being shocked because they were there in the first place.

After that Jess went to her room and Tobi was just too curious so he stalked Lucy's instagram to find the other girls Instagram only to find out she was Lucy's younger sister. Once he got back to his apartment , he messaged the girl on Instagram saying he was sorry for scaring her.

Then they started messaging for a bit which then turned into face time calls which manny had interrupted a number of times to speak to Jess. None of the sidemen nor Lucy knew about there secret friendship , so when Manny blurted our to Simon that the two were going on a date the next day , Simon had to tell everyone.


Tobi dragged the girl into the fancy restaurant before Jess pulled him back out wanting to go to Nando's instead. The group stared on as the two stayed close to each other , following behind them at a distance. Until Jide sneezed , which made the couple turn around only to see nothing as the group pushed each other behind a car on the road.

"JJ you mother fucker , shut up" Lucy spoke before getting on the path again , Tobi now having his arm around the girls shoulder as they walked into Nando's.

"I say we go in there and spy while eating" Ethan spoke making the group groan , "are you just hungry Ethan?" Simon spoke and Ethan nodded , a cheeky smile on his face making the group laugh.

Nether the less the group made their way inside making sure to crouch down so they wouldn't get caught. Once they were settled at the other side of the restaurant, they began to spy again.

Jess was laughing at something Tobi said , the girls cheeks becoming flushed when Tobi brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Thats my guy" Jide's voice was high pitched as he yelled causing him to get slapped in the back of his neck and he was pulled down , the group trying not to get caught once more. "I swear to god JJ just shush" Simon spoke as a waitress came and laid plates of food in front of Ethan. The group just stared at the boy as he looked up a fat smile on his face. "What , we're going to be hungry" Ethan gave a innocent smile before beginning to eat.

Once the group looked back to the table where Jess and Tobi sat , they were gone. "If that boy fucks my sister , I'm g-" "shut up Lucy"


Tobi pulled the girl closer to him as they walked down the street , Jess intertwining her hand with the boys which was dangling over her shoulder. Tobi gave a smile as he looked down at the girl , kissing the side of her head.

"Do you think we should keep 'us' a secret?" Jess asked as she glanced up at the boy as the got to his car , the girl leaning back onto it , Tobi unwrapping his arm from the girls shoulder instead standing in front of her , his hands on the small girls waist. They had made there relationship official earlier on in the day and neither of the two could stop smiling.

"I think so , it's more fun like that" the boy spoke as he leaned forward , "but that doesn't mean I can't kiss you now does it?" The girl glanced down at the boys lips , shaking her head. The two then leaned in but a girly squeal made the two pull back and look behind Tobi to see Jide getting attacked by the group.

The couple shook their heads , Jess giving a small sigh as she climbed into the passenger seat of Tobi's car , not muttering a word for the ride back to her house.


"Well since they know , you can come in" Jess spoke as they pulled up next to her house. Tobi cut the cars engine off giving the girl a small smile , "only if we can go and cuddle in your room"

The girl blushed , taking her seat belt off , "say no more"

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