chapter : 4

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At Angel in us coffee cafe

" You're kidding ?" Seonghwa stopped typing on his laptop and looked at Wooyoung to see if what Wooyoung told him was true. Wooyoung stared him seriously , lips lay flat.

Seonghwa laughed breathlessly and continues typing on his laptop, trying to completing his email to send to their boss on the reviews today.

" I guess fate works wonders for you, woo. You think he can help us with our rent and a couple of gucci shoes ? " Seonghwa smirked.

" You did not just tell me to become a gold digger and making him a sugar daddy " Though Wooyoung doesn't mind calling him daddy.

" Kidding, Woo. We both know better to not mess with rich asses 'cus they can come out with their gang gang and shit" Seonghwa said weirdly that made Wooyoung giggled. " Could you fetch me some cinnamon rolls before we go? I'm in the mood for it "

 " Could you fetch me some cinnamon rolls before we go? I'm in the mood for it "

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When they finally got home, Seonghwa continued working on his laptop in the living room while Wooyoung decided to lay down on his bed without turning on the lights. He reached for the card that San gave him.

[ Mountain Studio ]

The card itself seemed expensive as the studio name was in gold and the card was made from a strong material. At the bottom right corner, there were numbers. Wooyoung typed in the numbers and thought about texting San instead.


Suprisingly, San texted back instantly.


This is gonna be awkward, Wooyoung thought. Suddenly his phone buzzes and San was calling. He panicked but answered anyway.

" Thought you gonna call me ", always the softness from San's voice that relaxes Wooyoung through the phone somehow.

" Umm, should we- umm uh meet up tomorrow? I w-wanna talk with you " Why in the world was Wooyoung stuttering for ? Why is he being so shy when San is not even near him. Aside from that, Wooyoung does want to know more about San after his runaway.

" You wanna talk , baby ? " San teased Wooyoung as he giggled on the phone but damn, Wooyoung shivered at the pet name and felt like he was about to melt.

" Y-yeah. D-do you have time ?"

" Sure, I can clear my schedule anytime. when and where do you want to meet up ? "

Gladly tomorrow was Wooyoung's day off but Seonghwa still needs to go to work. Hopefully Wooyoung can give him food when he arrive home along the way since Wooyoung usually cook dinner for him.

" 3pm at Angel in us coffee cafe "

" Okay "

Silence passed by for a moment then Wooyoung decided to say goodnight to San since it was getting late and Wooyoung could feel himself sinking into the bed.

" Alright, goodnight babyboy "

San hung up, leaving Wooyoung blushing like a tomato and biting his lips. After a few moments fantasizing of San calling him pet names, He stood up and went to the kitchen to drink water.

" Someone has little date with a little special someone " Seonghwa said from the living room. " It's not a- you know what? I'm gonna sleep and pretend that you did not hear what I said in my room "

" Oh to hear without my ears " Seonghwa sang. Wooyoung just rolled his eyes and went straight to his room. Seonghwa giggled while still focus on his laptop.

After few hours, he didn't realize it was already late when he check his phone. He also found out Yunho texted him.

1 new message                           now
I want to break up with Wooy...

" This motherfucker " Seonghwa cursed. Finally ?, Seonghwa thought. But Seonghwa has his own curiosity, especially why he doesnt even want to meet Wooyoung anymore.

Seonghwa gave it a thought and instantly call him on the phone. " Hey Seonghwa." Yunho said almost usual as if there's nothing weird between them. " Yunho could you tell me how exactly are you gonna break up with Wooyoung ?"

" Well, I'm gonna text Wooyoung tomorrow to meet up and we could talk and that we should break up."

But he has a date, sHIT!, Seonghwa thought, that'll make Wooyoung the bad guy if Yunho founds out.

" He can't tomorrow , he's umm he's busy " Seonghwa said, hoping that he doesn't really show that he's lying.

" Funny Seonghwa, tomorrow is Wooyoung's day off. What are you trying to hide ? " Yunho said sinisterly but Seonghwa knew better.

" What are you trying to hide Yunho ?, you don't even come over anymore, don't even wanna see me or poor Wooyoung. Are you meeting with some- " The line cuts off abruptly.

Was seonghwa right or Yunho just suddenly doesn't want to talk ? Either way, Seonghwa doesn't even want to continue the conversation. Yunho would most likely not answer it so it'll be useless to press on the subject.

Seonghwa knew something's up with Yunho though he guessed that he'll only have to see it tomorrow. He wouldn't dare try to jump conclusions and besides , he can't do anything with his ass busting at work.

Seonghwa put his coffee mug at the sink and brushed his teeth. Closed the laptop and went to sleep, hoping Yunho doesn't shit over Wooyoung's date.

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