chapter : 27

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31st December 2019

i went home early

" Please wait for me." Wooyoung stepped outside the taxi and ran as fast as he can to the apartment. The taxi driver didn't have time to argue with Wooyoung and no one seems to be awake at this hour, asking for a ride.

Tears rolled over again on his face while he entered the apartment and went directly to his room. He took out his backpack and grabbed all the clothing that he could fit inside his bag. His phone started to ring and Wooyoung quickly took out the SIM card. He really doesn't want to know who's calling or let anyone call him in this time and put the card in the back pocket.

As soon as that was finished, he ran back down to the taxi and told him to go to Seoul station. The train station nowadays works 24 hours everyday with more improved and updated system.

" Take care, alright." The taxi driver said as he dropped off Wooyoung at the station. Wooyoung looked at him and smiled. He was just an elderly man, has grey moustache and has a vintage fashion but overall, he was kind person.

" Sure thing. Thank you."

The taxi driver tipped his hat and rolled back the window back up. He drove off into the night and Wooyoung went to the counter to buy a ticket.

When he got to his train and sat down, he cried again. I can't believe I'm doing this, Wooyoung thought to himself.

He really couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to stay there anymore and he knew, he had to go away as far as possible but to where? That's why he's taking the train.

" Hey dude, you okay?" A guy with a coconut hair came by to check on Wooyoung and held his shoulder.

Through his clothing, he seemed like he was just also a late passsenger to take the train. He was small but had strong features like his back and chest. His face was round and overall, he seemed young and cute but yet old and mature.

But that only just reminds him of how San first met him. When he cried that night and San went to helped Wooyoung. His heart aches more and tears came pouring down more.

" Okay umm, stupid question. How about I sit next to you until you feel okay to talk. Is that alright? or either way, you could just say no, I'm here trying to help."

He sounded so polite that he even justified that he wanted to help.  Wooyoung just scooped onto the next sit, indicating that he accepts for this guy sit next to him until he feels okay.

After an hour, Wooyoung ran out of tears, body trembling and his lips are dry. The guy gave him his water because Wooyoung really looks like he needs it. Instead of asking why Wooyoung was crying, the guy thought asking of something else.

" So what brings you here late at night?"

" I could say the same thing to you."

" Well, I just finished working at a café. Since it is New Years, we didn't expect more people to spend the night at the café."

Well, he does smell like pastries and coffee but that just makes Wooyoung's stomache rumble.

" Here." The guy brought out a block of tiramisu, wrapped in a plastic wrap from his leather jacket. Wooyoung didn't hesitate to take it and gobble it down, he was really hungry that, even the guy could hear his stomache rumble.

" I'm Jongho, by the way."

" I'm Wooyoung."

After the short introduction, they sat there in silence until Wooyoung finishes the water bottle and decided to speak.

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