chapter : 16

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11 October 2019

" Please Wooyoung?" Yeosang begged to him." Just this once." He pouted.

They were at a café, few blocks from their workplace, sitting outside. Yeosang asked Wooyoung earlier if he could introduce him to Seonghwa which left him blank. How would he exactly do it? He doesn't really know but Yeosang seems to be so eager about it.

Wooyoung wouldn't mind to have Seonghwa in a relationship with Yeosang. They seemed to be a nice couple and he's been nice to Seonghwa since day one, helping out the papers, bringing coffee every afternoon and always has a smile everyday.

After some thinking, Wooyoung accepted to introduce Yeosang to Seonghwa which made him jumping excitedly on the chair. Wooyoung smiled too, probably because seeing Yeosang happy.

" Alright , alright. Come at our place later at 7, Seonghwa finishes at 8" Wooyoung said and took a sip of his caramel latté.

" W-wait " Yeosang stuttered. " Today ?!" He exclaimed, making a few of the customers at the cafe gave looks at Yeosang.

" I mean, is this not what you wanted ?" Yeosang blushed and look at his outfit for today. He wore a grey button down, brown cardigan and black pants. He looked kind of nervous or shy of his clothes to present himself to Seongwha and he was biting his thumb but he looked neat anyway.

" Ok-kay, fine " Yeosang finally replied and Wooyoung continued drinking.

" Don't worry, he's nice and he wouldn't eat you, you know" Wooyoung tries to calm Yeosang down because he seems kind of shaking, guessing it was just the anxiety kicking in.  Yeosang took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm himself.

Afterwards, Yeosang paid for the drinks as it was his idea and it was time to go back to work. " I'll talk to Seonghwa, alright?" Wooyoung said to Yeosang while walking and he just nods.

" Seonghwa " Wooyoung said when he got back to his table and found Seonghwa typing something on the computer. He seemed so focus on it sinced he didn't reply back but Wooyoung knew he heard it.

" You know about Yeosang right ?" Seonghwa suprisingly stopped typing and looked at Wooyoung. " What about him, Woo ?" Weird, Wooyoung thought because Seonghwa face lit up when he said Yeosang's name.

" He's coming over later."

" Why ?"

" Well, y'know just to show that we're friends. Besides, he's been nice to us and bringing us coffee so I mean, this will show that we pay him back." Wooyoung smiled, hoping Seonghwa will trust on his words.

" Well, alright " Seonghwa didn't really want to think it over, went back to his computer and started typing. He started smiling while staring at the computer as if Wooyoung doesn't see it. He doesn't know why but he was kind of happy to finally to have a chance to talk to him. Seonghwa started to open his laptop and what seems like he was transferring some documents with his usb, connecting to each other.

a friend of mine is coming over, is that okay ?
ill explain more later

thatll be okay beb
im not gonna cook today so just suit urself with ramen
a lil tired at work
ill pick u up early today
just wanna cuddle :(

Santhatll be okay bebim not gonna cook today so just suit urself with ramen a lil tired at workill pick u up early todayjust wanna cuddle :(2:35

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" I'm going home Seonghwa " Wooyoung started packing his stuff while looking at his phone. " San decided to pick me up early today "

Seonghwa quickly turned on his phone and he didn't realize San already did texted him but his phone was on silent. He just saw the notification from the lockscreen.

1 new message
San      Im picking up Wooyoung early, take care xx.                       5min ago

Wooyoung went out already and Seonghwa decided to take a break. His neck was killing him so he did a few stretches. He went on his phone just to take break away from the work a while.

" Hi Seonghwa " Yeosang said softly. Yeosang was holding green tea and not the usually black coffee. Seonghwa seemed suprised.

" I heard this is your favourite " Yeosang tried to calm down and act cool.

Seonghwa smiled and thanked Yeosang. " I really needed this, Thanks Yeosang"

Yeosang blushed. His heart is beating hard and he held his hands together.

" I heard you're coming over to our place " Seonghwa said, for once, full engaged in a conversation without focusing anything but Yeosang. He only replied in a nod, he didn't realize he was holding his breath.

" You can come and join me after I finished my shift, since you stayed even though your shift was over. I was kinda worried that you didn't went home because you'll always take the bus or walk home and it's getting dark."

Yeosang blushed even harder, ears were obvious pink and he licked his dry lips. " I-I thought you m-might need some help at work, s-so I figured I'll stay a little and give you that drink "

He was so suprised that Seonghwa actually knew that he takes the bus on the way to work and home. He couldn't really afford a car yet since he was just an intern but his standard of living was already enough and plus, his place wasn't that far from his workplace. So he could either walk or take the bus. Hopefully, sooner or later, he'll get a promotion so he can work with Seonghwa and Wooyoung.

" Come here, we could talk for a moment." Seonghwa patted the sit next to him which was Wooyoung's with welcoming smile. Yeosang was actually sitting infront of Seonghwa and he never felt so nervous then before.

" You okay ?" Seonghwa sounded worried as he saw beads of sweats forming at Yeosang's forehead.

" Yeah umm, thanks, for the ride."

" It's okay. You wanna talk with me until I finish my work ? We could go home early before 7."

For hours, they have long conversations from knowing each other personally to things they have in common. Yeosang didn't really expect Seonghwa to be such a nice caring guy that really listens to him even though he was still focus on the computer and doing his work. Multi-tasking at its best. He was really glad that he could speak up to him and he fell in love on every words that Seonghwa said. It was as if it was a dream come true.

Seonghwa on the other hand, actually enjoyed Yeosang's company. He never knew Yeosang was this cute and kind. He does notice when Yeosang blushes everytime when he commented or compliments him. He couldn't help but laughed for himself.


" Alright let's go shall we?" Seonghwa grabbed his coat and checked his phone for new notifications but it was all from Twitter and Youtube.

Yeosang was standing infront of him, wearing his coat before going out in the chilly night.

Im bringing Yeosang along the way
see ya later

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