Chapter 45

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  The baby has lived with his grandfather for half a month, and the father and wife can be said that the center of life is all placed on the only grandson, the family of She.

All kinds of toys for the little guys are piled up inside and outside the house. It can be said that the couple really hold the baby in the palm of their hands.
Rather than the two dads like babies, they only care about being outside.    He didn't call back very much. Although my baby is small, I still remember.  After getting off the plane, the husband went to the car to pick up the baby. As for the luggage, they had an assistant to take them home first.  It's almost time for lunch.
Cheng Yang took a nap on the plane. After returning home, the circadian clock was adjusted slowly. Now the first task is to meet the baby. They contacted the father-in-law, and the aunt over there cooked both of them. Dad is coming back news, grandpa said to the little  baby.
The car drove outside the door, and the sound from the car instantly attracted the baby's attention.    If the baby can walk at this moment, he must have rushed out the door and greeted the fathers. 

  But the baby is still a bit difficult to sit by herself now, so he takes beautiful big eyes and stares at the doorway. Soon the dads appeared at the door in vain.
As soon as Cheng Yang saw the baby, the whole expression softened immediately. He walked in front of the baby in two or three steps and reached out to hold the baby.  

Unexpectedly, the baby clearly had stars in his eyes, and was obviously happy when he came back, but when Cheng Yang tried to hug him, the baby turned his head and buried the soft toot in his grandmother's arms.
  Yuanyuan hugged the baby, and when she saw that he rejected her father, she patted the baby and asked him what was wrong. 

  The baby just refused to show his face, leaving his father a cold and ruthless head.  Cheng Yang froze for a moment, and immediately guessed why the baby ignored him.  Cheng Yang went to pull the baby's little hand, the movement was light and soft.
  "Dad is wrong, the baby, is it okay? Dad assures our baby that he will never leave the baby at home and take the baby everywhere, okay?" Cheng Yang bent to The angry little guy apologizes.

She Yan walked behind him, and he took the baby directly.  The baby babbled twice.    She Yan walked in and kissed his son's little nose.

   A little itchy, the little guy shook his head and hid aside.  Ah babies, the baby's flesh is grumbled, talking baby words that no one can understand.

   "Okay, dads are back. We will go home as soon as we have dinner." There is a deterrent in the speech. Although the tenderness is visible in the eyebrows, the baby may still feel a little, small Mouth pursed slightly.
The small eyebrows also frowned slightly, which can be said to be extremely wronged.  She Yan held the baby for a while, and then gave the child to Cheng Yang.

   Cheng Yang took his baby and sat on the sofa, took a small toy bought from abroad in his pocket. It was a hand-made windmill purchased locally from Ireland.

The windmill leaves have local landscape paintings. These landscape paintings are also Painted with a brush, quite vivid.    Cheng Yang took the windmill and blew it gently, and the windmill immediately turned.
"Daddy went to buy this toy for you, but the place is a little far away, and it will take a long time to make a car, so Dad is only coming back now, and there are many other things at home, all for you." That is also true. Not right. 

  The baby can't tell.   Soon his attention was drawn to the windmill, and he stretched out his little white hand to grab the windmill.
    Cheng Yang puts the windmill in his hand and teaches him how to play.   In addition to blowing air, holding the left and right back and forth, the leaves will also turn.  

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