One Night Stand

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I wake up with no Chris. I figured he was busy and left earlier. So I brushed it aside and continued with my daily hygene and stuff. I get a text from chris that said:

"I gotta tell u sum meet me at my crib when you get this" I begin questioning to myself was it from last night.

"Ight" I replied back to Chris

I threw on pair of some jogging pants and hoodie. Grab my keys and i'm out the door and on my way to Chris' house. 25 minutes had passed I spent driving because I took the wrong turn trying to get some quick breakfast. But I finally pull up to Chris' house, I get out and knock on Chris' door and he opens on the 3rd knock. He comes to the door in some sweat pants with no shirt.  "So wussup with the text?" "Look we need to talk" "about?" "about last night" " at the party? That shit was off the chain" Pretending i didnt remember anything "After the part where we left and you was drunk. Well something happened that was a mistake." "and..." "and we can't be friends no more I'm sorry Tyga dont be mad." "oh ..." With that I couldn't stay in the same room as Chris I didn't want to look at him.  I open the door and let myself out of the house and jumped in my car. I then call August .




"Can I come over?"

"Yeah sure"

"Im on my way"


The phone hangs up and I begin driving to August's house. My mind lingers on Chris' words the whole ride there. How can he call last night a mistake? I may have pretended to be drunk and not remember anything. He enjoyed the whole grinding bit. Im so fucking stupid and mad why do these things? August opens his door and lets me into his house. " So wuss up witchu ma?" "Chris told me last night was a mistaake and we cant be friends no more." "May I ask what did you do?" " I pretended yo be drunk and all over him. Then got him to spend the night at my crib and you get an idea what happend then" "You couldn't just tell him could you?" A slight tear rolled down my cheek. August caressed my cheek and pulls me into a hug.

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