'Till I Die

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My eyes open and study my new surroundings. Loud beeps fill this new surrounding. I can partially see silhouettes so whoever's here in the room I begin asking questions. "Where am I?"

"Tyga you're finally up! "

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been in a coma for 6 whole months."

"Next week they were goimg to pull the plug"

"Why are you here ? I thought we weren't friends."

With that Chris froze up. Words began coming out of his mouth.

"Tyga I couldn't live without you. I couldn't live with myself if the last thing I told you was I can't be friends with you anymore. I know now what I need to do to fix all of this. Tyga will you be my boyfriend?" The words cought me off guard. I froze and said nothing but returned his question with a blank stare.

Looks like Tyga and Chris (T-Breezy) finally together.

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