Drunk In Love

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I laid down first and got under the covers. Chris took off his shirt and slept in his basketball shorts. He slept the opposite way I was. His back was to me. I rubbed my dick on his butt. He groaned out of pleasure then quickly says

"Stop Tyga I mean it!"

He turns torwards me and sleeps. I let him get into his sleep a little before I begin grinding on his big fat dick. I feel him getting harder and harder as he tries to make me stop. I stopped when his dick was throbbing. I turn over so that we're face-to-face. I then touch his throbbing member which sends cold shivers down Chris' spine. His eyes are awake as he watches me touch him. His breathing became heavier and faster by each touch. Chris pulled me into him. He held me tight. Our members grinded each other. I pulled down Chris' basketball shorts. I hovered on top of him and I began kissing and licking his bulge he had in his shorts up to his inner thigh. Then moved up to his stomach area. I circled my tongue in his belly button. He groaned my name louder each time until I nibbled on his nipples that were two hard beads on his chest. I moved up to Chris' neck kissing every spot on his neck until I found his sweet spot I abused it and left numerous amounts of hickeys on his neck. I pecked Chris' lips and moved kissed him back to where i started. I noticed a wet spot on Chris boxers. But I continued moving to see a little pre-cum on his dick. I wrapped my lips around his dick. Chris pulls down my boxers and tells me "grind on me." I grinded on him he groans loud. "Ima bout to c-c-cummm" I stop and wrap my mouth around his dick and swallowed every thing he released. We kiss passionately for a long time. Chris then begins to enter my entrance. Sonce it was both of our first time he goes slow. It helped a little but his 11 1/2 fat monster wanted to destroy me. I finally adjust and I tell him "Go faster" With each thrust he speeds up a little. We again reach our intimate climaxes. We release on each other and fall asleep cuddled.

I might rewrite the sex scene I dont think it was good. Did you like the book so far?

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