All Things Go...(Part III)

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I didn't know what I was ordering from. I just asked Chris what he was getting and I got the same.

After the Date

"Where you wanna go now?" Chris asked "I don't know." "They got that new Kevin Hart movie The Wedding Ringers out. You wanna go see that?"

Chris POV

I paid for the tickets, so I figure I'd make Tyga pay for snacks. We find a seat in the middle of the auditorium.  There were about 10 people in here. So had to stay low key for a while. 

The movie came on Tyga was cuddled up on me while his loud ass laughing at everything. He be the only one laughing too. I laughed too but not at every fucking sentence. About halfway through the movie I'm guessing Tyga forgot to silence his phone. Because it beeped twice.

Tyga pulled it out silenced it but sighed. "What's wrong?" I whisper "I gotta go."  Tyga says "Great." I say nonchalantly. We exit the theater during the movie. I unlocked the car door with anger and frustration. Why he always leaving to do some other shit or messing up?

The car ride home was silent. Until Tyga broke the silence by apologizing "Look I'm sorry about tonight." I clench the wheel tighter. "I am too for thinking this relationship could last." I spat coldly. "So you breaking up with me?" "Exactly what I'm doing.

I finally arrived at his house and as drove off. Not even making sure he got in the house safely.

Bad start to a relationship Tyga. Hope you enjoyed .

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