All Things Go... (Part II)

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It was almost 4:00pm and I just remembered to call Chris about the date.

"Hello?" Chris says

"Hey, so we still on for the date tonight right?"

"Yeah of course, Why wouldn't we be?"

"Just checking.."


"So what time you wanna go?

" If you can come at 5 and I'll pick you up."


The phone call ends. I was already dressed because I had just dropped King off. I just needed to spray on my Calvin Klein cologne and I was ready. I sat there watching TV for a whole hour. King left it on Nickelodeon. So Spongebob was on.

I sat there watching a fucking kids show. It wasn't bad he a slow but funny ass sponge. Before I knew it Chris ass was honking his loud ass horn.

"Ight , I'm coming Damn! " I say under my breath.

Locking my front door and walking over to Chris' Lamborghini.

"Hey , you look sexy as fuck bae" I say complimenting Chris outfit.

"You do too." Chris says

"So where we going tonight?"

"August know some people that can clear out a restaurant, so I got you a spot at Melisse."

"Damn that shit sound expensive already."

I hope this date goes well.

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