Birthday Cake

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So I went downstairs with no hesitation. I grabbed a plate and watched King blow out his 3 candles. Then trying put his hands in the cake. But Blac Chyna stopping him. Tyga smiled at me watching King as he pulled the 3 different types of ice creams. As soon as King started eating his slice of cake.

Chyna was all over me while everybody else was still watching King eat. Chyna wouldn't quit. Do she know her son is right there? First thing I saw was August exchanging looks torwards Chyna. As Tyga exchanged some looks at Chyna As well.

August walked over torwards Tyga. August whispered something in his ear. Knowing August and Tyga recent friendship standing hasn't been in the best of terms. I walked over there making sure no fights broke out.

"Hey bae" August says looking directly at Tyga intentionally.

"Hey wassup Aug , Ty?"

"Oh nothing me and Tyga was just talking 'bout you, ain't that right Tyga?" August says hitting Tyga in his back playfully.

"Y-Yeah..." Tyga says nervously.

"Ima go get a drink, Want one?" August says.

"No" Tyga and I both say in unison.

"This ain't over Chris , we gone finish this talk at home." August says nibbling on my ear lobe. Then walking away smirking. What he talking about?

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