New Flame

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"What are you doing here?" Chris asks curiously

"Uh...Visiting. Yep! Visiting August. Why are you here?" I say he going to think im lying just great.

"I came to get something from August... Why were you fixing your clothes?" Is he implying me and August had sex?

"We had a intense game of xbox Basketball  2k15"

"Intense alright " Chris mumbles

"What was that "

"Nothing, I'll just come back toma then"


That was the most awkwardest conversations ever between me and Chris ever. We both get in the car and drive to our destinations. I look in my rear view mirror I see Chris putting 1 dozen roses on his passenger seat. Whos those for?  I stare mindlessly into the Chris' Lamborghini. Not realizing that I was driving torwards a busy highway. We both blow our gorns then collide.I feel blood leaving my body. Sharp pains attack  over my entire body. My vision blurs I all I see a faded bright white light fading into pure balckness.

-1angelaminaj [Please: Read, Vote,Comment,Follow,Share, and Enjoy!!!

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