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R: Alright does everyone have a weapon?
W: Dick doesn’t have one
D: I am my weapon you fools


W: Want some trail mix?
D: Trail mix?
D: Oh you mean M&Ms with obstacles


W: There’s a spare key and a master key
W: Dick has them both
W: When I asked, “what if you die, Dick? How will we get inside?”
W: He said “if I’m dead, you guys have been dead for weeks”


R: Well I haven’t died yet, so I guess its time to work


W: Are you nervous?
D: I don’t know what you’re talking about but yes


D: Stealing is an extreme way of sharing
W: …
W: No


W: Was I that drunk last night?
D: You walked into the room shouting you were “dressed to impress”
W: And?
D: You were Naked


D: Love is dead and never existed
D: All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering
D: You are the definition of dread
R: Are you okay?
D: Wally stole my fucking fries


D: I just found Roy on a gay porn site oh my god
W: Why were you on a gay porn site?
D: For oatmeal recipes, the fuck do you think


D: You have a PHONE for a REASON!


W: What’s our exit strategy?
D: Our what?
W: Oh my god we’re all going to die


D: Take me to art museums and make out with me
W: But they said not to touch the masterpieces…
D: Well, somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall


D: We get caught together, we face death together, it happens every week


W: Don't worry, Dick! Any shadowy figure coming after you will have to get through me first!
D: And I'll treasure those three extra seconds


D: I have a huge scar on my back that looks like I was in a knife fight, and that’s what I told people, but actually it’s from a merry-go-round


D: I need to get something off my chest
W: Is it your shirt?
W: Please say yes


D: I’m a big country fan
W: China is pretty large


D: Yeah, lookin' in the dictionary the other day, saw Roy's picture sittin' up in there
D: Right next to "dumb ass white bitch."


D: Could you put a price on your father?
W: 387,000 dollars


W: Hey asshole, if you’re looking for your knife it’s still in my back


W: Dick, you’re blocking the view
D: I am the view

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