Chapter 1: The Letter

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All character rights go to Kiera Cass. Please enjoy!

I'm about to go outside and check my mail to see if I've gotten any more college acceptance letters.

I've gotten into a few so far, but I really want to go to Carolina Prep. I haven't received a letter yet though, so there's still a chance.

At least I didn't get one that started with "we are sorry to inform you...". They aren't sorry, they just say that in an attempt to be nice.

If I get one of those from Carolina Prep I am going to be crushed.

I applied with my friend Avery and our dream is to attend there together.

Avery and I have been best friends since kindergarten and have been inseparable ever since.

At that very moment May comes running into my room screaming.

"Ahhhhh America!!!"

"What is it May?"

"America! America! America! You just got a letter from Carolina Prep!!!"

"Are you serious," I ask excitedly as I grab the envelope from her.

I rip it open to read, "Congratulations! We are glad to inform you...".

"I got in," I whisper.

"I got in," I say as I run to grab my phone.

I've got to call Avery and ask her if she got in.

We both did our first year of college in high school, so this will be our first time actually experiencing it.

"Hello? Avery?"

"Hey America! What's up?"

"Go check your mail," I say without giving any explanation.

"Uh ok, I'll go check."

"Just let me know if you get anything worth opening right now," I say.

I really hope Avery got in too.

"No way," she whispers, right before she screams "I got in!"

"Please tell me you got in too," she then says to me.

"I got in too," I say full of excitement.

I'm so glad I get to go to college with my best friend. Now we won't have to be separated, we will get to spend every day together on a new adventure as best friends.

I can't wait!
I'm so excited America and I are going to college together. The only thing that could be better would be if we were roommates.

Oh, wow. I completely forgot about roommates. I hope I end up with someone I can get along with.

I'm about to get on my flight, I'm flying with America so we can talk about college stuff.

On the plane

The closer we get the more excited I am.

I told America that this is my year to finally find a boyfriend worth having.

Usually I end up regretting my relationships but I won't let that happen this year.

I think America also needs to find a new one to get her mind off that Carter guy. He was a real jerk.

Once we land I look up and notice the school. The main building literally looks like a palace.

America and I have been dreaming of going to this college for years and we finally got scholarships to go.

"Come on America lets go!"

So now we are on our way to our college campus. Time to make some life long memories.

We're walking in the doors to our new school now.

I'm pretty nervous but as soon as I walk in, this girl runs up to me and I about fall on the floor she is squeezing me so hard.

"Ahem, hello what is your name?"

"Oh I'm so sorry my name is Kenlee. I think I thought you were someone else. Sorry. But if you want we could be friends! I went here last year so I can show you around!"

"Ooh that would be great wouldn't it Avery?"

"Yeah that would be great. Just let us find where our rooms are and get checked in first."
We just got checked in and now we are heading to our rooms with that Kenlee girl.

She seems nice but a little too perky.

Maybe she'll let us be a part of her friend group.

If America and I plan on meeting any guys we can't be the only people in school that don't know anyone.
Oops I think I just bumped into someone.

Oh it's a girl, I know I have a girlfriend, but she's really pretty.

She has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Oh wait. No! My girlfriend Kenlee is waking with her! What am I supposed to do? Why does she have to look at me like that?

She seems like she likes me. Maybe I should invite them over to hang out with the gang tonight.

"Hey ladies would you all like to come hang out with the group tonight."

"Uhh sure!" The really pretty girl said.

Yes! Well tonight should be interesting.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments!

I also have a few other books, if you would like to check them out just click on my profile:)

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