Part 1

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Arizona's POV

I had just moved back to Seattle and i was living in a small apartment across from the hospital that i was due to start work at the next day and i decided to go to the bar and have 1 or 2 drinks to calm my nerves.

I was on my second martini when a brunette approached me with a drink of her own in her hand and sat on the stool next to mine. 

"Drinking alone?" She asked me as she took a sip from her drink then placed it down in the bar, I couldn't lie to myself and say she wasn't hot and ignore her, so i smiled at turned to face her.

"I just came back from Africa and i haven't spoken to any of my friends in almost 2 years also i'm starting work at my old job tomorrow." I blurted out since i was already tipsy from the 2 drinks i had. This mysterious lady just smiled and let out a small laugh before Joe came over.

"Hey, welcome back Robbins it's been awhile......on the house" Joe said as he slid me another martini and shot me a friendly wink.

"Well at least Joe's still here" i said to no one specifically.

"So, that a last name or did your parents just really not like kids." She said making me giggle. I took a sip of my drink before answering.

"Arizona, my names Arizona." I said with a half smile, she raised her eyebrows and giggled to herself before looking back at me.

"Amelia.." She said with a grin on her face which caused butterflies in my stomach.


Me and Amelia talked for a long time and before i knew it i was in her house and we were stumbling upstairs trying to be quiet since she said her brotherwas home. We ended up in her bedroom and again before i knew it my clothes were off and we were both laying, naked, sweaty and exhausted in her bed. Amelia had already passed out and fallen asleep so i decided to do the same.

"Beep......Beep......Beep" I woke up to an alarm and then i remembered. It was my first day of work. Amelia was already awake and getting dressed when i almost shot up .

"Crap!" I said as i dressed quickly 

"Wow, am i really that bad?" Amelia said sarcastically as i pulled my shirt over my head.

"No, it's my first day back at work and i'm gonna be late. I have to be there in like-" I stopped and looked at her alarm clock before finishing my sentence.

"10 minutes, oh fuck!" I said as i finished putting my shoes on.

"Oh, i'm probably gonna be late too but i have a light day, sucks for you." She said as i picked up my stuff and made my way to the door.

"I have to go" I said before leaving the house ignoring the person sitting at the kitchen table that i basically ran past.


I was late for my first day. The chief was cool about it though.

I was paged 911 to the ambulance bay by Derek, i hadn't seen him since i left.

"Robbins!" He shouted as i gowned. We were the only 2 there and after he explained the situation he said something that made my jaw fall to the ground

"You slept with my sister." He said it in the most calm tone that i was kind of scared to be honest.

"Amelia?" I asked turning to face him as he did the same and nodded.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now