Part 9

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Arizona's POV - 4 months Later.

It was the day before our wedding and i woke up to find Amy gone, i got up and walked into the bathroom to see her basically checking herself out in the mirror when i appeared behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Looking good Robbins" She said making me smile.

"Thanks babe." I said grabbing my toothbrush.

"No, i was talking to myself. I'm testing it out for tomorrow." She said grabbing her own toothbrush.

"Well, i think it sounds good on you, Amelia Robbins. Yeah it makes your name sound way sexier if that's possible." I said after spiting the toothpaste out and kissing her on the cheek.

I walked into the nursery and checked on the babies who were now about 10 months, which baffled me, before walking back out to the living room.

"Amy, I'm staying with April tonight and Meredith's gonna stay here, is tat okay with you?" I asked Amelia who was leaving the kitchen.

"Ugh, i don't understand why we can't see each other on our wedding day." She said annoyed as she flopped on the couch. I sighed and sat next to her placing my hand on her knee.

"It's just tradition." I said as she laced her hand over mine. We were in the middle of talking when there was a cry.

"We better go get her before she wakes the other one." Amy said standing up, i knew there was no use so i just went to the kitchen to get their bottles. After warming the milk up i went back into the living room and giggled a Amelia holding both of them.


I woke up on April's couch to her shouting at me to "Stop being lazy" and i tuned her out and tried to get back to sleep when she said something that made listen.

"Arizona, you're wedding is in 2 hours!" She shouted making me shoot up.

"Crap!" I yelled getting up.

" The hotel you and Amy are staying at is about 2 minutes away from the venue so if we get to the hotel and get you changed there we should be on time." She said.

After grabbing the dress and beau supplies and stuff April grabbed her keys and basically shoved me out the door.


I made it on time and my room was next to Amelia's, after getting my dress on there was a knock on my door which April answered. It was Meredith, she burst past April and basically beamed towards me.

"You need to come with me, Amelia is freaking out." She said grabbing my arm.

"Wait, does she not want to get married?" I asked worriedly. 

"No no, she's freaking out for other reasons now go, help your bride to be!" She said opening Amelia's door.

"Hey, what's wrong." I asked walking closer. She didn't answer she just grabbed a blanket and covered her dress.

"You're not supposed to see me, it's bad luck." She said in an annoyed tone

"The reason brides weren't supposed to see the groom before the wedding dates back to arranged marriages, they said that if they had time to see each other before the ceremony that they would back out, but we love each other and i am confident that you won't back out so drop the blanket and tell me what's wrong!" I said confidently making her smile and drop the blanket.

"I just, all the men in my family are dead, i have no one to walk me down the isle. In the rehearsal i walked down alone but i don't want to do that. I wanted Derek to do it but now i  have no one." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Don't worry, i have an idea. Wait here." I said leaving the room and texting Owen.


The music started as i walked down the isle and watched the people in each row as i passed. The back row, Some random people Amelia knew, The  4th row, Alex, Jo and some residents.  The 3rd Row, Webber, Jackson and Catherine Avery, 2nd Row , Bailey, Ben and the first Row, My parents, April and Mia. There were a few more people scattered around but i didn't notice most of them, April and Meredith were stood up at the front as bridesmaids. I finally reached the alter and watched as Amelia emerged with Owen.

When Amy finally reached me she grabbed my hand and squeezed as the man started speaking. I didn't really listen until he started talking about vows.

"Did you both prepare vows?" he asked 

"yes" We  both answered simultaneously 

"Arizona, would you like to go first?" he asked nodding his head towards me as i pulled out a piece of paper.

"From the moment i met you at Jo's, you surprised me, captivated me and challenged me in a way that no one had ever done before, you made falling in love with you very very difficult, no offence, but every single day i'm with you you make it so much easier. Amy, before i met you i had a plan, i had a certain way that things were gonna be but then you walked into my life and changed my perspective and i can not wait until you become Amelia Robbins." I finished closing the piece of paper and placing it down.

"Amelia?" The ordain asked looking at Amelia who ha some tears rolling down her cheek.

"Okay so, my whole life's been marked by the fact that i was an addict, friends and boyfriends left and i was fired and denied jobs because of it. But when you found out you stayed and helped me.I was in darkness, but your kindness, your generosity, compassion and trust, you brought me into the light and you let me know that i deserved it. You were that light and i love you and our little girls everyday more and more." She finished and we were both now in tears.

"Okay so-" The man started but he was interrupted by Amy.

"Can you just skip to the I do part?" She said looking into my eyes.

"Do you, Amelia Frances Shepherd take the Arizona Robbins to be your wife?" He asked looking at Amelia, she smiled before nodding her head.

"I definitely do." 

"And do you Arizona Robbins take the Amelia Frances Shepherd to be your wife?" He asked looking to me and i took no time to hesitate before answering,

"I do." I said before grabbing Amy's face and attaching our lips as the guests erupted into cheers and applause and a few whistles, i'm guessing those were from Alex.

The after party was mostly a blur but all i remember is dancing with Amelia to you belong with me.

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