Part 10

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Arizona's POV

We were in an on call room after my surgery and things were getting pretty heated, we were still fully clothed on the bed when my pager went off.

"Pager, i have to go" I said between kissing making her groan in annoyance.

"Come on, this is meant to be our honeymoon!" She said as i climbed off of her.

"Oooh my pager's going off too. Who paged you?" She asked me hopping off the bed as i opened the door.

"Bailey to trauma room 3" I said as we walked towards the ER. 

" Me too." She answered.

"Claire Briggs, 25 pregnant woman had a car crash into her house, supposed head injuries." Bailey said as we entered the trauma room.

After she woke up and Amelia had started stitching the cuts on her head she spoke.

"I keep telling everyone i feel fine." She said to Amelia.

"Well, i'd still like to order a head ct" she said keeping her eyes on the stitching.

"So you're husband's in a punk rock band?" I asked as my resident checked out the baby.

"Yeah, we met at a show." She answered smiling at the memory.

"I used to like punk rock once" I said being truthful. I had a phase. When i said that Amelia turned her head towards me raising her eyebrows and Wilson laughed.

"What....I did!" I said as Amelia returned to the stitching. "I rocked heavy eyeliner and i had some t shirts!" I continued making Wilson giggle again.

"How come both your name tags say Dr Robbins? " The patient asked and before we could answer she continued with the questions.

"Are you like, sisters?" She asked  making us look at each other.

"Actually, we're married" Amelia answered not noticing the patient's smile fade. She didn't really ask anymore questions or talk to us after that.

"Dr Shepherd, Claire Briggs' brother is here." Bailey said as me and Amelia stood outside her room.

"It's not Dr. Shepherd anymore Bailey. Tell the brother he can come see her." Amelia said as Bailey waved a hand and a tall very buff man walked into her room.

He wasn't in there for long until he came out, Amelia had left for another patient by then.

"Are you Dr. Robbins?" He asked me and i just nodded with a smile.

"I wanna know if a patient's family is allowed to request a different doctor?" He asked making me  furrow my eyebrows.

"You can but i don't know why you would want to, i'm the best fetal surgeon in this hospital." I said and he just scoffed before replying.

"Your judgement can't be that good if you married a woman." He said.

"Excuse me!" I replied very very offended by what he was saying.

"You disgust me, i want another doctor for Claire" He said as Amelia returned.

"Excuse me but that is not how you talk to a world class fetal  surgeon when she just saved your niece or nephews life!" Amelia said walking closer.

"You must agree with me right, she's disgusting she married a woman that is just so wrong. She needs help" He said and i could tell he was setting off Amy's short temper.

"Listen, i understand if your religion ma-" Amelia started but she was cut off. I put my hand on her arm to calm her down but it wasn't working.

"I'm not religious i just think she's gross." He said and i knew there was no turning back now.

Amelia stood for a second thinking but then she just went for it. She punched him right in the face which obviously didn't do much because he's a massive man. He rubbed the part of his face that she hit which was bleeding before punching her right back. Amelia got a few more hits in before Owen broke it up.

Luckily Amelia's circulatory system wasn't fragile anymore so she didn't pass out she just had cuts all over her face.

After patching her hand up and 4 people basically worshipping Amelia, April burst in to the room where Amelia was sat being patched up by me and Alex ,Jo, Meredith and Maggie were stood talking about what happened.

"Is it true, Arizona punched a homophobe?" She asked smiling

"Amy punched a homophobe." I corrected 

"Oooh unexpected, High five." She said holding her hand up and Amy didn't say anything she just high fived.

After the whole punching a homophobe went down it was time to go home. It was pretty late and luckily we got off work just in time before Daycare closed.

"Is your face okay?" I asked Amy who was flicking through the stations on the radio.

"It's fine, it's only a few cuts it should heal quickly." She answered. The ride home was mostly quiet and awkward and after putting the girls to bed we watched TV and went to bed ourselves. We had the next day off so i was slightly annoyed when there was a knock at the door at 7 am. 

I opened the door to reveal a man in casual clothing and black curly-ish hair.

"Hi, you must be Arizona." He said cheerfully.

"And you are?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"I'm Joe. I'm a friend of Amelia's" He said and just as i invited him in Amelia walked in

"Who's at the......Joe" her voice went cold and her face dropped when she saw the man.

"How the hell did you find me!" She asked and i was starting to think he wasn't a friend.

"You aren't very good at hiding" he said walking closer to her. She didn't move she just stared at him.

"I found you a long time ago but i thought i would wait a while" He continued.

"You stay away from my wife, you stay away from my kids." She said making him smile.

"Ah yes, the twins. Wouldn't want a repeat of last time would me now Amy, your wife knows the full story doesn't she?" He said turning to me.

"You see, the ex boyfriend, Linc is it? He wasn't Christopher's father now was he Amy?" He said still looking at me.

"No, but you chose Linc and you decided i didn't want Chris. So i did the only thing i could. I poured a large amount of oxy into your drink which made little Chris have complication in birth and sadly die." He said before giggling.

Amy was about to speak when his phone started ringing and he held his finger up.

"Yes, it." He said before placing his phone back in his pocket.

"So sorry but i have to go. Have fun talking about that you two!" He said leaving

"Holy crap." I said as Amelia sat on the couch with her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry i never told you but i was ashamed. Joe got me hooked on oxy and i slept with him a few times while i was with Linc, then i found out i was pregnant and i ghosted Joe so he drugged me making Christopher ill." She said her voice muffled by her hands and small whimpers.

"No baby, you don't have to apologise for that, I have things i want to keep to myself, maybe not that big but still. Everyone has secrets and that's okay!" I replied sitting next to her and as soon as i was sat down she broke down into m arms.


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