Part 17

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4 years Later- Amelia's POV

Not a lot had happened since the Harper Avery. We still lived in Meredith's old house, April and Mia were now in school. As i said not much changed.

April was running down the stairs as Arizona chased her when i noticed something. I had been taking mental notes of some symptoms she was having. Fatigue, swelling and some others.

Arizona got to the bottom of the stairs and her eyes flickered before she fell to the ground.

"Arizona!" I yelled running over to her

"Mama, what's going on!?" April asked walking over as i put Arizona into recovery position.

"Go call an ambulance baby!" I yelled so she nodded and ran to the phone as Mia slowly came down the stairs stopping when she saw Arizona.

"What happened?" She asked as her eyes widened.


Me, April and Mia rode in silence as i held both their hands and held back my tears. There were a few things that it could be with the symptoms but obviously i would now be allowed on the case.

"What do we have?" Owen asked before seeing me and the girls and looking to Arizona.

"Female, 42 passed out during physical activity, other symptoms are fatigue, swelling and dizziness." I said getting out and helping the paramedics lift the gurney out. 

"Oh my god what happened?" Kepner asked as we wheeled into the ER, we were about to go into the Staff only part when we stopped.

"Amelia, you have to stay here." He said making me sigh and walk away.

"Mama." April said as tears started to fill her eyes.

"Come here baby girl." I said opening my arms as she gripped onto me tightly. Mia  joined in as well as Kepner and it honestly made me fell better.

After a few tests and scans i was finally allowed to see her. April and Mia stayed with Kepner to give me a few minutes with her.

"Hey." I said quietly walking in making her open her eyes and look over.

"Hey." She said back softly as i took her hand and sat next to her.

"What's wrong with me Amy?" She asked with a saddening look on her face

"I talked to Maggie. After running some tests they found out that you have Cardiomyopathy." I said with  shaky voice. "You need-" I started when she closed her eyes and looked away and continuing my sentence.

"I need a heart transplant. I'm gonna be put on dialysis and monitored closely while i wait for the next.....i don't know year." She said looking back to me.

"I know it's gonna be hard but i'm gonna be here everyday, when i'm not in surgery or with a patient i'll be here and the girls will be here with you two." I said.

"I know, i have tons of people." She said rolling her eyes.

"Okay, did i do something wrong?" I asked furrowing my brows. 

"I just-" she started.

"Mom." A voice said making us both turn to the doorway where April, Mia and Kepner were standing.

"I'm okay." She said going from annoyed to soft in a matter of seconds. I could not deal with her being pissed or angry at me right now so i stood up and looked at her for a second. I let out a sigh before dropping her hand and leaving.

"Amelia." Kepner said grabbing my arm to stop me leaving but i just shrugged it off and carried on to the nearest on call room.

I honestly have no idea how long i was in there crying but after a pretty long time someone tried to open the door, realised the door was locked then proceeded to knock.

"Amelia, please" I heard as i matched the voice to a face, specifically April Kepner's face.

"Go away April." I said trying to sound like i hadn't been crying.

"Arizona wants to talk to you." She said making me look up. "Alex took the girls home since it was getting late and they've got school tomorrow and she wants to see you." She said as i sighed and opened the door.

I walked slowly to Arizona's room trying to avoid the inevitable until i arrived and walked in slowly.

"Amy." She said softly

"I......I held your hand the whole way here until i wasn't allowed to and  stayed with you and kicked an intern off your case for being an idiot and you still don't appreciate anything." I said sitting down. 

"I'm sorry, i have no excuse it's just my bitchiness coming out. You know that i love you and i appreciate everything you do." She said reaching out for my hand which i took but then she let go and opened her arm, i stood up and sat on the bed next to her resting my head on her chest.

"I was the rebound girl." I said as she stroked my hair.

"What?" She asked as i looked up at her.

"I was the rebound girl, all those years ago. You had a one night stand with me because you had to leave your girlfriend and because of that one night, all of this happened." I said laying my head back down as i closed my eyes.


Mia's POV

Uncle Alex said we didn't have to go to school so we went to the hospital instead. When me and April got there we walked into my Mom's room and saw her and my other Mom in her bed asleep. My Mom's have always been so in love and they weren't afraid to show it. Every valentines day and anniversary they always out did the previous one. 

We didn't want to wake them so we just sat and played games on our phones and read while we waited for them to wake up.

"What time is is?" Mama asked sitting up from Mom's chest.

"10 am." I said smiling at her before putting my phone away.

"Have you two eaten yet. And why aren't you at school?" She asked quietly getting off the bed and sitting on the arm of April's chair.

"Uncle Alex made us breakfast and told us we could stay here today. He called the school." April said turning her phone off.

"Did auntie Maggie find out what's wrong with Mom?" I asked still in a slight whisper trying not to wake her up.

"Auntie Maggie did find out what's wrong with Mom." Mom said in a hoarse voice sitting up.

"Is is bad?" April asked standing up as Mama slipped into her chair.

"Come here both of you." She said opening her arms as we both hopped on the bed next to her on either sides.

"See i have a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. It means that the walls of my heart chambers have become stretched. It means my heart isn't very good at pumping blood." she said as we both held onto her tighter. 


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