Part 5

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Amelia's POV

1 week later.

Me and Arizona were meant to be moving back in soon so i thought now would be a good time to tell her about how i slept with someone else. I waited for her to arrive at the surgery we were doing together so i could tell her before it.

"Hey!" She said walking into the scrub room.

"I slept with someone while we were broken up and i just thought you would want to know." I blurted out earning a shocked look from her.

"Was it just once?" She asked and i made a face indicating the answer was a no.

"Twice?" She asked and i kept the same face

"10 plus times?" She asked and i just nodded.

"You know what, we were broken up and you had every right to sleep with who you wanted so it's fine." She said making me smile, Until her resident walked in.

"Murphy's your resident?" I whispered as she scrubbed and Arizona just nodded.


We were almost done with the surgery when Leah whispered into my ear.

"So, you two are back together?" I didn't speak i just nodded hoping Arizona didn't hear. I looked up to see her eyes all confused and looking between us.

"It was her?" She asked calmly and i just looked at her blankly.

"10 plus time, that was her?" She asked a bit louder. I knew she would be mad so i just tried to defuse the situation

"Leah, scrub out" I said calmly.

"But i-" she tried but i stopped her 

"I said scrub out!" I said louder.

"Arizona, it's over, it's like it never happened." I said calmly earning a nod from her.

A few days later

I was stood at the nurses station looking through some charts when a tall blonde woman in pink scrubs approached me making me look up from my chart and send her a friendly smile

"Hi, i'm Dr. Lauren Boswell. I'm here for a case with Dr. Robbins do you know where she is?" She asked. I could tell she had the same perky personality that Arizona did and it made me get this feeling, a feeling i didn't like. Jealousy.

"Well, she just went to get coffee she should be here any second." I said politely trying to end the conversation as soon as possible

"You're Dr. Amelia shepherd right, i'm a big fan of your work" I just nodded at her compliment and went back to looking over my patients chart.

"Do you think Dr. Robbins is hot, i googled her before i came and she's like the sexiest peds doctor iv'e ever cyber stalked." She said causing me to close my chart and look at her.

"She's m-" I was cut off by Arizona arriving with her coffee so i just clenched my jaw and shut my mouth.

"You must be Lauren Boswell?" Arizona said leaning against the nurses station after handing me my coffee.

"Yes, i am." She said with a flirty smile before Arizona motioned for her to follow her and they disappeared into the peds unit.

I wanted to smack her so hard but i didn't, i just went to my own patients and waited until me and Arizona could go home.

I was meant to meet Arizona by the nurses station and she was like 10 minutes late so i decided to go to the peds floor and check to see if she was in surgery of something but when i got there she was talking to Lauren. I decided to stay where i was and just watch their interaction, i wasn't hidden or anything but Arizona hadn't spotted me yet.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now