Part 7

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8 months Later

April's POV

Me, Amelia and Arizona were at the hospital relaxing in the attending lounge.

"Hey, April there's gonna be a storm and i'm assuming there's gonna be a lot of patients, will you take Arizona home. She doesn't need that stress when the due date is so close." Amelia whispered into my ear as she walked past me and then Arizona giving her a quick peck.

"Arizona, i need you to come with me." I said unable to think of an excuse to get her into the car.

"Okay, but be quick there's gonna be a lot of patients." She said as she stood up and followed me outside to the parking lot.

"Get in a second i wanna know if i need to adjust my seat." I said nervously and she just shrugged and complied, she was about to open her mouth to speak when i shut the door and locked it before climbing in and starting the car.

"What the hell, i have patients!" She yelled at me as i started driving.

"Karev can handle them." I said back calmly getting no response from her.

When we arrived back at the house it was way too dangerous to go back to the hospital so i just stayed, changed into some of Arizona's clothes and made Arizona and I some food.

I was almost finished when i heard a loud scream come from the living room so i dropped everything and ran as fast as i could.

"I think....Ahhhhghhhhh......I think i'm having contractions." She said mid scream as she held onto her baby bump.

After the first one i pulled out my phone and watched the time until the next one came to check how far along she was or if it even was contractions.

"Oh, see that one came a lot faster, maybe we should take you to the hospital." I said trying to help her up but she stopped.

"Wait wait wait. April wait.....I don't.....I don't wanna have this baby in your car." She said looking through the window to the rain and lighting and tree's falling.

"Neither do i, that's why we're going to the hospital." I said pointing to the door.

"No but my contractions are close together, plus traffic, plus the rain, plus.....i don't know a tree in the road.....we won't make it." She said laying back down on the couch.

"What so you're saying that you-" She cut me off.

"I'm saying that between your car and this house with....heat, running water,blankets.....let's stay here." She said making me sweat with fear.

"Arizona no!" I said putting my hand on my forehead.

"April come on it's just having a baby at home, people do this all over. Your mom did it in a barn for gods sake." She said as another contraction came along.

"Okay okay, but i'm gonna still call an ambulance." I said helping her up and simultaneously picking up my phone.

Arizona started walking which i didn't recommend but she ignored me and dialed Amelia's number as it went to voicemail, I walked into the room while she was halfway through explaining to Amelia what was happening in a voicemail

"April had called an ambulance, but i might be having the baby at home so uh....just ya know get here, please" She said before hanging up.I had washed my hands and found a scalpel from an old medical bag from Meredith's mother since this did used to be her house, and i had found towels to pack her with in case of a c section but i was hoping i didn't have to.


Amelia's POV

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