Part 8

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Arizona's POV

"The last time i tried to plan something i ended up high and woke up in a bathtub with toothpaste in area's that toothpaste should never be." Amy said pacing around the bedroom. We were about to start planning the wedding and Amelia was terrified at the fact we had to plan.

"Why don't we just get April to plan it, she loves stuff like this." I said absentmindedly, mostly because i wanted her to just come to bed because i was tired. She stopped pacing and smiled.

"Yeah, that's a good idea actually.... April's a dork who loves planning stuff." She said and i just sighed and nodded making Amelia notice my bored face.

"I'm sorry i'm being so stressed about this, but i just want it to be perfect and with me planning it i'm scared it's gonna be a massive failure." She said climbing in bed next to me. I put my arm around her and allowed her to lay her head on my chest as we scooted down.

"Baby, i don't care if we get married in a public bathroom, as long as you're there and the night ends with us being married then it's gonna be perfect." I said rubbing her arm reassuringly.


"Of course i'll plan your wedding!" April said clapping excitedly.

"Dork" Amelia muttered underneath her breath earning an elbow from me.

"Amy" I whispered making her giggle.

"What theme do you want?" April asked ignoring Amelia.

"We haven't really talked about it." I said looking at Amelia.

"Well based on you two i would say you would go for the garden wedding or romantic or something like that. Go and research and stuff and text me when you decide" She said walking away leaving us to discuss.

After a few minutes of chilling out in the attending lounge and researching wedding themes we both decided what we wanted

"I like the romantic one." I said showing her pictures as she opened her laptop and showed me her screen.

"I like the outdoor garden one." She said scrolling through her many photos

"Okay, how about we do a romantic theme, outdoors." I suggested and she smiled and thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Okay, i'll text April." 

"When we get married what are we doing about the last names?" I asked. I'd been thinking about it for awhile and i had come up with no conclusion.

"Well, the girls are called April and Mia Robbins, You're called Arizona Robbins. I feel like it should only follow that i become Amelia Robbins." She said smiling proudly giving me butterflies. Even though we were going to be married soon she still gave me butterflies.

"If that's what you want." I said earning an exited nod in return like when you ask a kid if they want ice creme.


Amelia's POV

After work Me ad Arizona were sat with the babies in the living room playing. I was playing peekaboo with Mia while Arizona did i don't know what with April. After a little while i was starting to get bored but Mia seemed to be having the time of her life so i kept going until something happened.

"Mama" She let out weakly making Arizona turn her head in shock.

"No fair, you got the first mama." She said in a sarcastic whiny tone making me laugh.

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