Part 20

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Amelia's POV 

It was getting to about 4 hours and i was getting worried since Arizona had no prior surgeries so it should take 3-4 hours. 

"When's she gonna be out?" Mia asked resting her head on my shoulder.

"She should be done soon honey." I said trying not to sound worried. Luckily i had years of training in not sounding worried when talking to families.

After another 30 minutes Maggie and Teddy finally came out making me basically shoot up from my seat.

"How did it go?" I asked rubbing my hands together nervously.

"It took slightly longer then anticipated but, Dr. Altman eventually finished the heart transplant with no complications. You can see her now if you like although she isn't awake." She said smiling as i wrapped my arms around her neck in a hug.

"Thank you Teddy!" I said letting her go and grabbing April and Mia's hand.

"Let's go."


It had been 1 weeks since Arizona's surgery and she was still not awake.

"Well did you make a mistake or something because this isn't normal!" I yelled before sitting down and placing my head in my hands as the tears started to fall.

"Amelia i'm so sorry but there's no way to know until she wakes up." She said before walking away. I had been spending every waking moment in Arizona's room waiting for her to wake up but it wasn't happening and the kids came whenever they could too.

"Mama." Mia said sympathetically wrapping her arms around me which i gladly reciprocated.

"I could tell you that she's gonna wake up soon but i honestly don't know anymore." I said as she gripped tighter.

The next day 

Luckily Arizona wasn't being kept alive by life support she was just unconscious so i didn't have to decide whether or not to unplug her. I was sat holding Arizona's hand against my lips as i told her about my day as usual.

"- i just ordered takeout because honestly my cooking is terrible. You told me i could do this without you but i can't. Please wake up, for me. I need you." I said crying again.

"I love you so much." I said laying my head on her chest.

"I love you too." I heard making my head shoot up and see the woman with her eyes open smiling.

"Arizona, you're awake!" I said grabbing her face and attaching our lips.

"Mom!" April and Mia yelled simultaneously running over and hugging her.

" long was i out?" She asked making them giggle, they 


It was finally time for Arizona to go home and she didn't look as happy as i thought she would. 

"Hey, what's get to go home today?" I asked as she stood up and took a deep breath.

"You're gonna kill me." She said looking away biting her lip nervously making me furrow my brows.

"Why?" I asked as my smile faded slightly

"I want another baby." She said as i sighed in relief, my thoughts went to the darkest place when she said you're gonna kill me.

"Thank god you scared me.. i thought you cheated or something." I said not really processing what she said.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now