Part 6

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Arizona's POV

I came home from the conference early for personal reasons and i did NOT want to tell Amelia so i stayed at the hospital and tried to hide from most people.

I was asleep in an on call room when the door opened and in walked in a sleepy redhead.

"Arizona, why aren't you in New York?" She asked sitting next to me when i sat up. I was about to say something when i couldn't hold it in anymore and i just burst into tears.

"Hey, it's okay you can talk to me." She said rubbing her hand over my back and i knew i couldn't keep it a secret forever so i just told her.


It was the day i was "Coming back" from the conference and i told Amelia to go to work and i would see her there. I roamed the halls looking for her until i walked past a window of a radiology room where she was arguing with a very very handsome man with Lexie stood looking kind of scared in the corner and i couldn't help but listen to her conversation.

"You haven't even looked at it!" She yelled pointing to the scans on the wall.

"Amy, I'm telling you its unresectable let it go." He said to her calmly.

"Don't call me Amy!" She said warningly.

"It's a lost cause!" He shouted pointing to the scans again.

"Stop being a Jackass!" She yelled earning a snigger from Lexie making both of them turn their heads towards her.

"Dr. Grey would you please excuse us." He asked calmly and Lexie started walking towards me when Amelia spoke.

"No, Lexie stay i need back up here" She kept looking at this mysterious sexy Doctor so she didn't see me but Lexie did and she ignored Amelia and walked past me leaving the two to argue.

"Amelia when i came to your house i saw, you still have 1 more bag of oxy and i have no idea whether you took it or not, you're judgment is off. I'm only doing this because i care about you" He said calmly placing his hand on her shoulder which she threw off.

I knew about the bag of oxy she kept in her draw and it bothered me slightly until eventually I grew to trust that she wouldn't take it. She kept it as more of a statement to the fact she was sober.

"No, Linc you have no fucking idea what's going on in my life and you lost all rights to care when you left me and Christopher!" I had no idea who Christopher was but i was guessing i was about to find out as i sipped my coffee and listened waiting for Amy to notice me at the door.

"Amelia, we were young and you were a drug addict who still took drugs from the guy who made your boyfriend OD, we both had poor judgement and you can't blame me for that." He said placing his hand on his forehead

"No, I was a drug addict and you were a sober sound minded man and you still chose to leave me alone while.......While I sat in a hospital room holding our baby as he died!" She yelled  hitting him in the chest as my jaw fell as well as my coffee. It burned all the way up my leg but i wasn't paying attention to the pain.

"Arizona, You're back!" She said walking over.

"Why didn't you tell me." I asked sincerely.

"Why would she need to tell you, this isn't business she needs to go around telling her friends." Linc said walking over to us.

"Arizona, this is Atticus Lincoln, or Linc for short, my ex and Linc this is Arizona Robbins.....My girlfriend" Amelia introduced us and Linc just made me weird face.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now