Part 18

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Amelia's POV

It had been almost a month since Arizona's heart was failing and i was getting annoyed with the waiting and the being scared to let her go to the bathroom in fear that she would just.....die.

"Hey, do you think April and Mia would want a trampoline for their birthday?" I yelled through the bathroom door to Arizona and got no answer.

"Arizona?" I asked knocking on the door, i tried to open it but it was locked so i had to kick and kick until it burst open and my breath hitched and my heart stopped as i saw Arizona on the floor, in a pool of her own blood coming from her head.

"April!" I yelled so loudly that i thought i had burst my eardrums, i waited for her as i stared at her laying on the floor.

"What is i- oh my god. Page Koracick and Bailey!" She yelled once she's seen Arizona.

"Amelia you need to go, you can't see this." She said and just as i was about to argue a voice caught me off guard .

"Mama!" April yelled from the doorway holding onto her sisters hand.

"Mom's gonna be okay, she just needs to go with Auntie April and then she'll be fine." I said reassuring them as i walked them to the waiting room.

About 20 minutes after calling Alex, him and Jo arrived. It was their day off for  some "Us time" but i needed them.

"Great your here. The kids love you, i need to go." I said walking away. I finally made it to OR 2's gallery where Arizona's brain bleed was being fixed.

"Amelia, no you can't watch this!" April said standing up.

"You've been her best friend for longer then we've been married so i should be saying the same thing, let me watch." I said which definitely caused her to shut up.I didn't want to be mean but my wife was having brain surgery so i got a free pass.

Tom was almost done with the surgery that he had done flawlessly when she started crashing.

"No!" I said standing up while placing my hand on the glass.

"Amelia you should really go." April said grabbing my arm which i threw away April just sighed and i thought she gave up but April is more persistent then that.

"Amelia." Alex said walking into the gallery.

"Go away Karev." i said keeping my eyes on Tom as i watched every move he made.

"Shouldn't we just call it she's been down almost 10 minutes." A nurse said as Tom gave her a death stare.

"She isn't brain dead so i'm not stopping." He said making me smile as he looked up and winked at me. It made me fell better that he was gonna fight for her.

"Amelia let's go the girls want their Mom, and since Arizona's in brain surgery that means they want you." He said trying to get me to leave.

"No!" I said turning towards him for a second before turning back towards the glass.

"That's it" He said as he walked up behind me and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Karev, stop this immediately!" I shouted trying to squirm out of his grasp while shouting very bad curse words until we got to the waiting room where my children were so i stopped that.

"What's going on?" Jo asked referring to her Husband carrying me over his shoulder.

"She refused to leave the gallery so i took her out of it." He said smiling proudly with his weird and creepy crooked smile.

"Are you gonna put her down?" April asked laughing slightly which made me happier since her Mom was in brain surgery which i previously mentioned.

"I guess so."He said placing my feet on the ground. I knew i wouldn't get away with going back to that OR gallery so i settled for sitting with my kids for a bit and getting updated from April who was still in the gallery.


I guess i nodded off because the next thing i remember is waking up with Mia asleep using my lap as a pillow and April asleep with her head on Jo's shoulder who was also asleep. I looked out the window and saw that it was dark.

"Jo." I whispered over to Jo trying not to wake the kids up.

"What?" She groaned quietly shifting slightly opening her eyes.

"Is Arizona out of surgery it's been hours?" I asked slowly lifting Mia's head so i could stand up.

"Yeah she got out like 2 hours ago, i didn't want to wake you so Alex and April are with her." She said closing her eyes again. Jo was with the girls so i walked away to Arizona's room.

"Hey." I said smiling at Arizona who had bandages around her head and was mid conversation with Alex.

"I thought April was here too" I said walking in and sitting in the empty chair.

"She went to talk to Koracick about something." Alex said as Arizona turned her head to face me.

"How are the girls?" She asked in a croaky and sleepy voice as i held onto her hand.

"They're asleep." I said when April walked in smiling.

"The surgery moved Arizona up the transplant list, she was originally gonna get one in about 5 months but now it should be one or two." She said and i could tell that  it didn't really make a difference to Arizona. She was a very happy and perky person but when she was angry or sad she was the complete opposite. She was grumpy and cynical.

"This is a good thing Arizona" I said squeezing her hand tighter.

"I'm tired, do you mind if i get some sleep?" She asked not directed at anyone.

Once everyone left the room i stood up about to leave.

"I'll take the girls home, they're pretty tired." I said when she gripped onto my hand tighter.

"Wait.....will you stay?" She asked and i smiled and sat back down on the chair.


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