Part 23

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Arizona's POV

I was in the middle of surgery when my phone started ringing, I kept it on because if there was an emergency I could hand my surgery off.

"Put it on speaker." I said to a nurse and she did just that.

"Arizona, there's been an.....incident at your house." April said making me stop and look up kind of worried.

"What do you mean...just spit it out April, I haven't got time." I said impatiently.

"Okay so, Mia was looking for something in your room and she found something else......something that I presume belongs to Amelia and it was hidden so i think you should talk to your wife." April said and I knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"God dammit Amy." I said quietly putting everything down and taking my gown off. "Page the surgeon on call to finish this." I said in a pissed off voice as I took my mask off and left the OR.

"Amelia." I said opening the on call room door to see her sat on the bed with her phone to her ear.

"Thank you for the warning April." She said hanging up and looking up at her wife.

"Seriously Amy, what the hell were you thinking!?" I yelled shutting the on call room door behind me.

"I was never gonna use them, Matthew came to me and just gave them to me one night and I didn't know what to do." She yelled back rubbing her forehead.

"You come to me, you tell me and I help you." I said sitting next to her and lowering my voice slightly.

"I didn't know if you'd believe me. I didn't want you to think I as using again because I'm not. And I remember how you used to look at me when I was high or when you though I was high and I hated it." She said as tears started to fall down her face. I didn't say anything i just let her lay her head on my shoulder and cry. I knew Amy would never use again.....not after everything. 

I trusted her.


Just less than 5 Months later

Amelia's POV

"Hey, April." I said opening the front door as April smiled.

"Hey, I just wanted to come tell you and Jackson picked a name." She said rubbing her very very pregnant belly.

"Oh my god, that's amazing." I started and her face faltered a little as she looked down a second before looking back up and smiling. "Come on in." I finished stepping out of the way to let her in.

"Hey Auntie April!" Mia said standing up from the couch and giving her a quick hug. 

"H-Hey Mia. Do you mind if I talk to you Moms a second." April said as she nodded and left us alone.

"What's up?" Arizona asked walking over as April's smile fell.

"Matthew kissed me, the day after the party he came and he kissed me and I never told Jackson and I fell awful and I-" She started rambling before taking a deep breath. "And I have to tell him before my Son is born." She said when Arizona pointed to the ground below her.

" are aware that you are leaking..." Arizona said making me look down to the puddle of water below April.

"Yeah my water broke back around "that's amazing"  but i just had to say that before I went into labour." She said calmly 

"Woah....should we-" I started when she nodded leaning on the couch.

"Yeah we probably should." She said sitting down on the couch.

After a lot of contractions and phone calls the ambulance finally arrived.

"Babysitters on the way, Jackson is coming out of surgery and the ambulance is here." Arizona said walking into the room where me and April were sat.

"I want my mom." She said tearing up as Arizona looked at her.

"Should I call her?" She asked and April just shook her head.

"She's in ohio."


"Dr.Bailey." I yelled getting out of the ambulance with Arizona behind me.

"Dr. Robbins?" She asked helping April out on the gurney as Jackson came running over.

"April, oh my god it's happening." He said taking a deep breath and following them into the birthing room. 

"This is so exiting." I said to Arizona sitting next to her in the waiting room.

"Robbins?" A voice asked as we both turned around to see Owen looking at us. "What are you doing here, it's your day off?" He asked directed to both of us.

"Did you not hear. April's giving birth right now." Arizona said as Owen's face changed.

"Woah, really?" He asked as we both nodded our heads.


"She's asking for you" Bailey said to us  making us stand and head towards her room.

"What's he called?" I asked Jackson who was cradling him beside April.

" means gift from God." April answered breathlessly smiling.

"That's adorable.....he's adorable." Arizona said squeezing my hand comfortingly, she knew exactly how I was feeling.....Sad........jealous that April got to have a baby and mine died even though we were in the same situation. But also happy for April and her new baby. and happy that I already have 2 great babies of my own who happen to not be babies anymore.

I wanted so badly to go back in time and change things but I knew that whatever happened I was loved and I had people to Love, that includes April and Jackson and their new baby, no matter biology....they are my family.


Sorry to end it like this, but i feel like this is the end of their creative story because adding anything else would just be pointless.

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