Part 2

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I knew that Amelia was back on drugs. She'd relapsed again and hadn't operated since Derek died, she was getting so bad that the hospital hired another neurosurgeon Tom koracick. I made sure her job was safe and got her a month or 2 of leave so she could get her act together.

I arrived at Meredith's house to talk to Amelia since she ignored my calls and we hadn't talked since Derek died.

"Hey Arizona, Amelia's in her room....i'm guessing you already know where it is?" She asked in a questioning tone inviting me in, i just nodded and made my way to Amelia's room before quietly knocking and entering.

Amelia was asleep in her bed so i walked over and lifted the cover off her face and i felt a sharp pain in my chest when i saw her face was pale and she wasn't breathing.

"Meredith!" I shouted as loud as i could before climbing on top of her and starting CPR

"What happened?" She asked running into the room with Zola and bailey following behind.

"She's not breathing, it looks like she's been down about an hour, she took this full bag of oxy which is like 5 mg per tablet, that's a lot of oxy. 


"What do we have?" Owen said as i climbed out of the ambulance with Meredith.

"Amelia Shepherd, 29. Overdosed on Oxy she took about 10, 5 mg pills and wasn't breathing for about an hour ,we got her heart started again on the way." I said helping the paramedics get the gurney out.

"Rose!......Go get me some scrubs!" I shouted to the nurse who nodded in response and ran.

After i changed i was obviously taken off the case because i'm a paediatric surgeon and Amelia's 29 so i had to go into her room as a visitor. She was unconscious but stable and we had no idea what the effect of losing that much oxygen would have done to her brain so we just had to sit and wait.

I had fallen asleep in the chair and somewhere along this period a nurse had come in and converted the chair into a bed and handed me a blanket but that memory was foggy since i was still sleepy. 

I woke up the next morning to the new neuro guy Koracick coming in to check her vitals.

"Robbins, You're a peds surgeon, why are you monitoring a neuro case?" He asked as i got up and switched the chair back then sat down on it.

"I'm not monitoring her, she's my.........friend i found her." I said in a hoarse voice from just waking up.

"Well, she looks stable and she should be waking up soon so we can check what damage she did to herself. Junky" He whispered the last part so i wouldn't hear but i did and it made me mad.

"Listen, Jurassic...Koracick whatever the hell your name is, she just lost her brother, her best friend and she's grieving so if you wanna judge someone without knowing their full story you do it to someone else and leave Amelia and her addiction the hell out of it." I just snapped and i didn't care how much trouble it got me in and i could tell e was about to shoot me a snarky reply when we both turned our heads at the sound of a groan.

"What happened.....Where am i?" She asked trying to sit up but wincing in pain and laying back down.

"You overdosed on about 60-70 mg of Oxy and weren't breathing for about an hour, you coded twice and now we're about to see what damage the loss of oxygen did to your brain." Koracick said putting her chart down.

"Well, i can move my arms and, fuck!" She said realising something.

"What, what is it?" I asked walking closer and she just looked down.

"My legs, i can't move them" She said earning a worried look from Koracick.


Meredith had disappeared with Zola and Bailey with no word except for a phone call to Alex letting him know her and the kids were okay so there was no one to help Amelia out, so i stood in.

I slept in the spare room and kept a few of my things there and i helped Amelia out whenever necessary.

"Look Arizona, i appreciate the help but seriously i can live by myself." She said wheeling herself to the living room with me walking behind her. 

"Okay then, how would you get up the stairs to sleep, or get a bowl or glass from the cupboard, or get down the stairs in the morning." I asked sitting on the couch next to where her wheelchair  was.

"Well, fine i can't live by myself" She sighed in defeat as i gave her a big smile.


2 months Later.

Me and Amelia decided on being friends rather then friends with benefits and i was helping her with her physical therapy.

"Come on Amelia, you can do it!" I said holding her left side up as the physical therapist held the other.

"Fuck, no i can't do it" She said pushing the pt away and grabbing onto my shoulders so she could get back to her wheelchair.

"Would you give us a minute?" I said to the man and he nodded before leaving the room.

"Amelia, this is your 3rd physical therapist this month please just try." I said crouching down so we were face to face

"Arizona, you have no idea what it's like. This pain that won't go away and this stupid wheelchair just reminds me of it!" She yelled making Arizona flinch.

"Listen, you aren't the only one who has been through stuff, i  have lost everything you have and more.!" I yelled sitting down next to her before running my hands through my hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked and i just shook my head.

"Never mind just.......please be nicer to the physical therapists." I said trying to pretend that i never lost people too. 

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