Part 21

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Amelia's POV

I was now 12 weeks pregnant and my baby bump was starting to show through my scrubs and April's was getting bigger.

"Did you hear about Meredith's and Arizona's patient from the other week, I had to pull the plug because they were on another case?" April asked as we walked down the corridor, we both had some spare time so we just decided to talk for a bit.

"Yeah Arizona told be, this is why I went into neuro instead of peds because I can't deal with dying children everyday. Once or twice a week maybe but everyday is too depressing." I said as she nodded in agreement. We were in the middle of comparing pregnancy noted when we both got a page....the hospital was on Lock down.

"Have you seen this, it's probably just a drill." April said as we continued to walk through the vacant halls.

After a while I was starting to wonder why no patient had come in or no staff were around, the hospital looked empty. Me and April were walking near the lobby when Owen walked over to us and practically shoved us into a supply closet.

"Guys, the hospital is on lock down, there's a shooter. Stay in here." He said briefly before leaving us there confused.

"Arizona, she's out there somewhere, I have to get to her." I said trying to open the door when April stopped me.

"Hey, I get it...Jackson's out there too but what good can we do if we've been shot?" She asked as I sighed and sat down on the floor trying not to panic.

We spent ages just sat there until we couldn't take it anymore. We left and started walking around looking for anybody until I finally saw Arizona, she was stood opposite a man. We walked closer and closer until he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. We were close enough to hear the conversation but April wouldn't let me go any further.

"You're a good man Mr Clarke....I can see it in your eyes." She said calmly as he held the gun up. It was Meredith and Arizona's dead patients's dad.

"Can you see it in mine....can you?" She asked as he lowed the gun and I tried to get closer, Arizona knew I was there but she refused to look at me, she kept eye contact with Mr.Clarke.

"Dr. Robbins, Thank god you're back." An intern said walking behind her not spotting the gun until he pulled the gun back up and shot hitting Arizona right in the stomach as she fell to the ground.

"No, Arizona!" I yelled as April held me back and I cried hysterically. I fought and kicked in Aprils's arms as she held me back as tight as she could. The intern had run off by now and Mr. Clarke had disappeared. I finally broke from April's grip and ran as fast as I could to Arizona's side.

"Hold on, please don't die." I said covering the blood with my hands as April followed me.

"A...Amy...get...get out" She said quietly as I shook my head.

" you understand me, I can't live without you." I said as her eyes fluttered closed for a second.


Luckily Bailey and Jackson were on the floor and they took her into an available OR to remove the bullet and operate on her, they gave me a minute alone with her before they put her under.

"I love you." I said as i held her hand tightly and she struggled to stay awake.

"Kiss me." She whispered softly and I bent down slowly capturing her lips in mine as i tasted my own tears and lifted my head.

"Come on Amelia, you and Kepner are gonna wait out there and not look. Stay down there." Bailey said as I walked out and sat on the floor of the scrub room next to April.

I sat and it felt like forever before I finally decided to look and my heart dropped when I saw him stood there with a gun to Jackson's head yelling for him to stop.

"No Jackson, Amelia we have to do something."April said panicking as i took a deep breath in and let go of her hand entering the OR.

"Shoot me." I said as he turned his head to me and Jackson said my name below his breath as he and Bailey continued to work. "You want justice right, your son died. I know what happened Arizona told me the story." I said before looking to Arizona on the table and thinking how this was for her.

"April Kepner is the one who pulled the plug on your son, she's my best friend." I said looking back to April who was stood behind me trying to stop me from doing what I was about to do.

This for the people i love, That's all that kept running through my mind as I spoke to this man who was holding a gun against my best friend's husbands head.

"Dr. Grey, she was your son's doctor, She's my sister. And the woman on the table, I'm her wife. So if you wanna hurt them the way that you're hurting. Shoot me i'm your eye for an eye." I said as the tears started to flow.

"Meredith..."April said as he turned to gun to me and walked closer and closer.

"Tell Arizona, April and Mia that I love them and that I'm sorry." I said as Bailey spoke.

"Raise your hands." She said to Jackson as he furrowed his brows. Trust me, raise your hands." She said as he obliged. "We stopped, look." Jackson said with his hands in the air.

"No!" I yelled as they ignored me.

"In a few seconds his heart is gonna pump all the blood into his stomach and then atop beating, you'll see it on the monitor just wait." Bailey said as i continued to yell and April cried loudly holding her belly. "Look, see ....She's dead." Bailey said as the monitor flat lined.

"No..please don't stop." I cried as Bailey looked at me.

"Shut up." She shouted in a harsh tone as Mr. Clarke observed the monitor and left.

"Quick put these back on." She said handing Jackson some wires.....,they disconnected the monitor. Clever Bailey.

"What?" I asked looking at the monitor which started to beep again.

"Baby, get Amelia out of here and check on both the babies, that much distress is unhealthy." Jackson said to April s she wiped her tears and grabbed my arm,leading me to an ultrasound. I did April's first because I felt fine.

"Everything looks good, your blood pressure is pretty high but that should lower when you're a little less scared." I said 

"I'm fine, I'll do my own just go check on my wife for me while I do this and then call my kids." I said slowly as she stood up and walked away. I was about to do my own ultrasound when I noticed blood, a lot of blood steaming down my leg.

"Hey, April asked me to come check on you is the baby okay?" Jackson asked before he noticed the blood.

"Oh no, Amelia i'm so sorry." He said as i sighed and picked up my phone.

"Hey this is Amelia Robbins, I need to talk to April and Mia Robbins please." I said into the phone as it went silent for a few minuted.

"Hey Mama, is everything okay?" Mia asked as i let out a breath i didn't know I was holding in.

"There was a situation at the hospital today and your Mom was hurt but everything' gonna be fine and she's in surgery now. Aunt April is gonna pick you up and if she can't then I'll send Alex." I said taking a deep breath to calm my tears before I added. "I love you both." 

"We love you too Mama." April said before I hung up and went to ask April what was going on.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now