Part 12

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Amelia's POV

After revealing my lesbian marriage to 2 out of 3 of my sisters and my Mom and coming back to Seattle it was finally Mia and April's first birthday. Of course with my luck me and Arizona was called in for an emergency case so i just went with her and took the girls with me.

I was sat in daycare with little April, Mia and big April when my pager went off.

"Oh come on i'm not on call!" I said to myself making big April laugh

"April's getting sleepy so why don't you go to the trauma ad i'll put these two to sleep." She said picking April up.

"Mia had a nap before we left, i'll take her with me it isn't urgent." I said grabbing Mia's hand, both of them were starting to walk so i thought i'd help her get some practice in.

"Hi, i'm Dr. Robbins." I said to the woman in the bed as i put some gloves on and picked Mia up. I then sat her down on a chair before giving the woman ,who's name appeared to be Joanne according to her chart, a routine neuro exam.

"I dated a Dr. Robbins once almost 4 years ago." She said before laughing.

"So, you've been having seizures lately?" I asked checking her pupils.

"Yeah, but i wanna know who that little cutie is." She said looking at Mia who was chewing on a piece of cotton wool.

"This is my daughter, Mia. It's her birthday and my wife got paged in so i brought her and her sister with us." I said picking her up and tickling her tummy.

After doing a normal exam it was time to do an ultrasound and i spotted something.

"Page OB to trauma 2!" I shouted to a Nurse passing by.

"Why, what's going on?" Se asked starting to panic.

"It's nothing major but i think you may be pregnant." I said as Arizona walked in while sliding gloves on.

"Hello, i'm Dr. Robbins i-" She stopped once looking at the patient.

"Arizona?" She asked sitting up.

"Joanne. Why aren't you in Africa?" She asked sighing.

"Me and my boyfriend moved here about 2 weeks ago, you remember mike. Or Dr. Wood" She said laying back down.

"What's going on here?" I asked looking between the two.

"Oh, Mia's here. Where's April?" She asked obviously avoiding the question as she took Mia.

"Fine, i'm obviously not getting anything from you. Joanne, what's going on?" I said directing the last part to Joanne.

"We both got the carter Madison grant about 4 years ago and we dated for almost 2 years in Africa." She said looking at Arizona but talking to me.

"Oh, you never told me about that." I said turning to Arizona.

"I,um-" She started when April walked in holding Little April.

"Hey guys, she wouldn't sleep, i think she wants her Mama" She said handing her to me.

"Oh, so i'm just gonna put the pieces together, both of you are called Dr. Robbins and you are both holding babies, wow i was gone a long time." She said laughing.

"You know i think i'm being paged i'm just gonna leave you to deal with this situation." April said leaving the room.

"You know what i actually need to see Meredith and see if Zola, Bailey and Ellis are coming tonight. I'll see you at home Amy." Arizona said taking April and putting her down.

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