Part 14

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Arizona's POV

"I think the best option is amputation. We could try and salvage the leg but it would most likely lead to infection and would kill her." I heard as i opened my eyes. I had just been transferred to Seattle grace and just woken up to Amelia talking to an ortho consult over my scans.

"No." I managed to get out making both of them turn their heads towards me.

"What?" Amy asked nodding her head towards the door motioning for the ortho doctor to leave.

"Please don't let them take my leg." I said softly as Amy sat down next to me and took my hand.

"We're gonna take a look at the infection and then we'll know our options." She said moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Promise me." I said a little louder as she looked down not knowing what to say. "Promise me that you won't let them take my leg." I continued. She sighed before answering.

"I Promise." She said smiling.


Amelia's POV

I was in the middle of a craniotomy when Alex basically burst in holding a mask over his face. 

"What is it Karev. I'm in the middle of brain surgery he-" I started when he cut me off

"It's Arizona there's a problem!" He said quickly making me look up. A million things were going through my brain but there was one thought that i knew i had promised not to so i didn't say anything about the leg.

"What!" I said

"She's crashing!" He said immediately after.

"Crashing?" I repeated in a questioning tone.

"Her temps 104, Cyril lactate is 6, she's in septic shock It-" he was about to say it was the leg so i stopped him.

"Shut up shut up. Do you have her on pressers?" I asked opening my eyes after squeezing them shut and Alex just Nodded.

"I've got her on pressers, triple antibiotics, aggressive IV fluids." He said basically covering everything i could think of.

"Did you give her supplementary Oxygen?" I asked as my voice started to shake.

"I intubated her, she's crashing." He said loudly waiting for me to suggest something he hadn't already done.

"What about hydrocortisone?" I asked as my voice started to shake even more.

"Yeah!" He answered.

"Um.....I" I started but i couldn't think of anything else.

"Look she's still deteriorating..........she's dying." He said honestly making my hands and almost every bone in my body quiver.

"It's the leg." I said quietly and he nodded before speaking.

"It's the leg." He repeated. I knew she would hate me but i would rather her live hating me then die loving me.

"Cut it off." I said and he ran out not wanting to waste a minute.


Arizona was waking up after surgery and i was about to speak when April walked in.

"Amelia, it's almost 5 o'clock. They're unplugging Mark in 10 minutes." I was about to reply when Arizona did for me.

"They're unplugging Mark?" She asked sitting up slightly.

"Arizona i-" I started when she looked at me. My heart broke when i looked in her eyes and saw no love. She looked at me like I was just some doctor or some random stranger.

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