Part 11

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Amelia's POV

It had been weeks since we had heard from Joe, that was his style he liked to disappear. Me and Arizona were in New York for a case and we just counted it as the honeymoon we never got to have even though we were working. I was so glad our patient wasn't any hospitals my sisters worked at because they didn't know i married a woman, they thought i was marrying Owen and that April was my only friend. I was planning on telling them the truth when they came to the wedding but they never did.

We were staying in a hotel with April and Mia that was payed for by the hospital as well as a babysitter for the girls.

We had just had Pizza at this place that me and Derek used to go to all the time as kids and we were now going into the hospital that we walked to. 

"Admit it!" I said as we walked through the door.

"Fine, 14 blocks is not that far." She sighed in defeat as we walked further in.

"And when you walk you see things you never would have from a cab." I said making her giggle.

"Yeah, you're totally right we would have missed that group of mimes yelling at each other." She stated sarcastically.

"And the rat dragging the bagel!" I added as we laughed but it was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Amy?" I turned around to see Nancy. My sister, my face went blank as she hugged me.

"Do you work here?" I asked surprised by why she was here.

 "I'm covering the chief of OB's maternity leave." She said happily as she turned to Arizona.

"Are you April, Amy's friend?" She asked and i just looked at her and nodded subtly so Nancy didn't see."

"Yes, i am Amelia's.....Friend." She said almost cringing at the word friend.

 "So what are you doing here?" She asked turning her gaze from Arizona back to me.

"We're here for a patient." I said quickly.

"Really, all the way from Seattle. You must be very in demand, i guess that's why we never hear from you." She said hinting that i should call Mom more.

"Well, i'm very busy. I actually operated on Catherine Avery not that long ago. You might of read about it." I said trying to show her how far iv'e come.

"Yeah you also got married, where is Owen anyway?" She asked and i bit the inside of my lip before turning to Arizona who had her eyebrows raised disapprovingly.

"He's a trauma surgeon so they didn't need him up here." I said slowly as i made the sentence up on the spot. 

"Well we should get going." I said trying to end the conversation before she invited us to dinner.

"Okay, well you should come to dinner. Catch up a bit!" There it is.

"We can't...." I said trying to think of a reason not to go when she stopped me.

"oh nonsense, tonight at 8 pm sharp. be there." She said before walking away.


We checked on the twins after the surgery and they were having a blast with the Eliza, the babysitter and then We got a cab to Nancy's house. On the way in the cab i decided it was a good time to quiz Arizona on how to be April.

"Where did we meet?" I asked.

"The hospital.

"How long have we known each other?"

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