Part 3

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Amelia's POV

I was starting to walk again and i was kind of disappointed when Arizona helped me walk up the stairs independently since she had no reason to stay anymore and i kind of wanted her to.I tried to make it out like i couldn't walk as well as i actually could so she would stay but i had a feeling she wasn't leaving anytime soon.

"Hey, I need to go to the hospital today, my leave is over and i can walk now." I said to Arizona trying not to sound as annoyed as i was.

"She was stood in the kitchen making coffee since she had the day off and i had walked in leaving my crutch behind.

"No, you can barely walk without the crutches, i'll go in today and get you a few more weeks off" She said handing me a cup of coffee and grabbing her keys.

"But it's your day off" I said walking as fast as i could to stop her.

"It's fine, you need this and i usually work on my days off anyway." She said unlocking the front door. Meredith had let me live in her old house and Arizona had a key.

"You'd do that for me?" I said holding myself up on the wall.

"I'd do a lot of things to you" She said quietly with a grin on her face

"F-For me." 

"Yep, that too" She said before leaving.


When Arizona got back i was passed out on the sofa and i had forgotten to hide the drugs i bought months ago and hadn't taken, I would just look at them wanting to take them but then i remembered what happened last time and i would put them down.

"Amelia, wake up i have some news." She said softly as i opened my eyes and quickly scooted so i was sat on the bag of oxy. 

"I was called back by the people who gave me the grant and they need a peds surgeon to do a Spinal Osteomyelitis Surgery. They asked me to go back for a few months maybe even a few years." She said causing my breath the hitch.

"I'm.......i'm so happy for you." I said pushing the pain to the back of my body so i could be happy for my friend.

"I have to leave tonight if i accept it." She said with a smile on her face.

"I'll help you pack, it'll be good exercise for my leg."

"Great, we have about 4 hours until i need to leave for the airport." She  giggled excitedly causing butterflies to fester inside.


I decided that after Arizona left i would go back to work, i still couldn't stand for long periods of time without rest but i could walk normally.

"So, Dr. shepherd you're back !" April said as she entered the elevator.

"I think i'm in love with Arizona..." I said absentmindedly earning a smile from April.

"Congratulations. You were the last person to figure that out, but she's in Africa and you can't exactly just fly to Africa on your own after just regaining function in you legs back now can you." April said putting a hand on my back. I stood for a few seconds thinking.

"No, i can't........ so you're gonna come with me. Tonight pack a bag and meet me at the airport, i will pay and text you a time." I said leaving the elevator as the doors opened so she couldn't say no. 

When i arrived at the airport April was already there and had one small suitcase with her.

"You came, you're a good friend April." I said pulling her into an overly tight hug to emphasise what i said.

"Flight to Malawi, Africa boarding now at gate 6." I heard over the speaker, me and April walked over to the gate and got on the plane.


It was a long flight but we entertained each other and slept most of the way, i got the address for where Arizona was so we could go when we landed. 

By the time we got out off the plane it was 12 pm so Arizona wouldn't be asleep and this would be a perfect time to go and see her.

"Okay, she's not that far from here it's literally right over there. " April said pointing to a large building across from the airport.

Arizona's POV

I had just finished the Spinal Osteomyelitis Surgery and as i scrubbed out a man came into the room.

"Dr. Robbins, there's someone stuck at security, she says she knows you." He said making me furrow my brows at who it could be.

I made my way to security when i saw that vibrant red hair, it was April.

"April, What the hell!" I yelled pushing past security before giving her a quick hug.

"No, this isn't the big grand reveal yet save you hugs and shit,Sorry she's slow just give it a second." She said sounding out of breath as she pointed behind her indicating someone else was coming.

After a few minutes i saw her, she had one crutch and looked even more out of breath then April did but i cut her journey short by walking over to her.

"What the hell are you both doing here!" I shouted as April walked over with a sheepish smile before quietly saying

"I'll give you two a moment." She walked back over to the hospital entrance as Amelia tried to catch her breath

"I'm............I'm in..........." She tried to breathe out.

"What are you trying to say, just write it down." I said handing her a note pad and pen that were in my scrub pants for some reason.

I waited patiently as she wrote and then handed me the pad back.

I'm in Love with You!

I read it a few times trying to grasp this new information but i didn't know how else to process it so i just dropped the pad and cupped Amelia's face before locking our lips together.

We stayed like this for awhile with our hands roaming each others bodies and lips staying close together.

"Guys, not to ruin the mood or anything but, we have a flight to catch in 3 hours and i don't wanna be stuck in Africa until the next flight to Seattle" April said after approaching us.

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