Part 19

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April's POV - 2 months Later

Me and Mia were at school and most people had heard about my Mom so everyone was being nice. 

"Hey guys, have you heard anything about a heart for your Mom?" Bailey asked walking over to us as we walked around before class. Bailey is our cousin since his Dad and our Mom were brother and sister but our Uncle Derek died way before we were born.

"No, not yet but it should come soon." Mia said hopefully making me touch her shoulder comfortingly. 

"Hey Lesbos." Georgia said walking over. Georgia has very strict christian parents and was brought up being told that Gay people and lesbians were wrong so she didn't like us very much.

"What do you want Georgia?" I asked stepping in front of Bailey and Mia. 

"I heard your Mom needs a transplant. Maybe it's the world punishing her for being a lesbo." She said earning a few chuckles from her friends. 

"My Mom's happy and nothing you say will change that so honestly i don't care." I said trying to fight the urge to smack her.

"You know, i don't think your Mom's gonna get a heart. She screwed a woman now God's screwing her. It's gross" She said smiling and honestly i just snapped and before i knew it my fist was hitting her face.

"April!" Mia shouted as Georgia held her hand over her now bleeding nose and i held my fist in pain.

"Oh my god!" She yelled as i tried to fight back again but was restrained by Mia pulling me away.

"Come on, she isn't worth it." Bailey said walking away with us.

"April Robbins and Georgia Kinsman report to the principles office please!" The principle said over the speakers.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Mia asked And i just sighed and shook my head before walking in the direction of the principles office.

Once i got there Georgia was already waiting with the principle.

"I already called both your parents, please sit down while we wait." She said as i took a seat and tried not to snigger at the large bandage on Georgia's nose.

"Georgia honey what's going on. Mrs Jeffery said you were punched in the face!" Georgia's Mom said running in and cupping her face.

"I was just telling her that being gay is wrong and she over reacted!" She said making me wanna punch her again.

"You-" I started but i was interrupted by My Mama.

"April, what's going on?" She asked walking over and sitting in the chair next to me.

"She called you and Mom gross and she was gonna say a lot more but i punched her in the face so she couldn't" I said making her snigger before realising she it wasn't good and stifling it.

"Sorry. That was very wrong baby girl." She said when Mrs Kinsman butted in.

"Excuse me but your daughter or.......wait no she isn't since the other one is her Mom, but whatever she  is she punched my little girl in the face." She said and i knew this would be fin since i got my short temper from my Mama.

"This is my daughter and that is not only offensive to people from the LGBT community but also any child or parent who had been or has adopted. You better hope i don't have a fist as hard as my little girl because you can insult me and my marriage but you say one thing about my kids and i'll........okay.....breathe Amelia." She said trying to calm down when her phone started to ring.

"Hello........again, really.........Okay i'll be there soon." She said hanging up.

"Come on sweetie, we're gonna go to the hospital to see Mom, let's go get your sister " she said standing up and grabbing my hand.

"She's in that class." I said pointing at the door as she opened the door making everyone look at her.

"Mama?" Mia asked standing up.

"Mia, this is your Mom?" The teacher asked furrowing her brows.

"Mia it's your Mom we have to go." She said making Mia's face go from embarrassed to concerned .

"Sorry Miss, gotta go!" She said walking towards us.


Amelia's POV

When we arrived at the hospital we basically ran to Arizona's room. I didn't know what was going on but April paged me 911 so it must of been urgent.

"What's going on?" I asked stopping at the door to see April and Alex sat smiling next to Arizona.

"Arizona's getting a transplant today!" Alex said standing up.

"Enough about that, what's this i hear about you punching a girl in the face?" Arizona asked crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, i was already told that no matter how mean Georgia was it's not okay to punch her in the face and no ones on my side blah blah blah." April said rolling her eyes.

"April, Alex please excuse us." Arizona said raising her eyebrows which she does whenever Mia or April talk back. Once Alex and April were gone Arizona Nodded her head up indicating for April to go over.

"If you're gonna shout at me then don't bother I've already heard it from the principle and Georgia's Mom." She said slowly walking over as Arizona waved her hand for April to get on the bed next to her and she obliged.

Honestly i was scared for her, Arizona put her arm around her and sighed.

"Baby girl, no matter how wrong or stupid i think you're being......I am always on your side." She said kissing her head making April smile before tears started forming.

"I'm so scared. I don't want anything to happen to you." She said holding onto Arizona tighter.

"Baby, i'm getting a heart. I'm gonna be fine." She said causing April to nod a her tears died down.

"Arizona, it's time." Maggie said walking in.

"Okay, will you give me a minute with Amy. Girls go to the waiting room and sit with Uncle Alex." She said directing the last part to April and Mia.

"Amy, if i become a cabbage, Unplug me. and If i die then just know that, you can do it. You are an amazing mother and you will raise our girls to be amazing women." She said cupping my face.

"You're gonna be fine" I replied attaching our lips for a long passionate kiss before pulling away and slowly leaving. 

"I love you." I said from the doorway.

"I love you too." She replied before  i left.

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