Part 15

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A/N in this i'm twisting a Meredith and an Owen storyline into a Arizona storyline. 

Arizona's POV- 2 weeks later

Things were getting better with Amelia and April and Mia were coming home that day. 

"Hey What do you want for dinner, I can make something or we can get takeout?" Amy asked walking into the living room. I paused the TV and accepted her kiss as she sat next to me.

"Well, no offence but the one thing i didn't miss while you were staying with Owen is your cooking." I said giggling.

"Offence taken." She said standing up and walking back into the kitchen. I was about to press play when the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled standing up and slowly walking towards the door. I had my prosthetic for about a month now and i was getting used to walking. I opened the door and i was greeted by Kathleen holding her now 2 year old son Eric and next to them was my little girls April and Mia.

"Hey babies!" I said crouching down to give them a hug. 

"Hey Kathleen, it's good to see you again." I said once April and Mia had gone into the house. 

"Is it my Mom?" Amelia asked walking to the door and stopping when she sees Kathleen.

"Hey, what're you doing here. I thought Mom had the girls?" She asked giving her sister a quick hug and smiling at the baby.

"She asked me to take them for the last week. Plus Mom said they wanted to meet their cousin." She answered bouncing Eric. 

"Come in. I was about to order takeout, you want some?" She said as i moved out the way to let her in.

"Do you and Eric wanna stay the night. We have a spare room and  Eric can stay with April and Mia or he can stay with you?" I asked after we finished eating and i did not expect Amelia to give me the "What the hell are you doing" look.

"Well, our flight's tomorrow so....sure."She said smiling

"Mama, will you come play?" Mia asked Amy as she nodded and left the room.

"So, I saw on the news that you, Meredith and Mark were in a plane crash." Kathleen said standing up and coming to sit on the chair next to me.

"Did Amelia tell you about Mark?" I asked worried that i would have to tell Kathleen that her dead Brother's best friend just died.

"Amelia tells us nothing. She hid children ad a wife from all of us for a year." She said taking a sip of wine.

"Oh......Mark was in a coma and he made a decision that if he didn't wake up in 30 days that he would be unplugged. he made that decision 3 months ago." I said looking down.

"He.....he died?" She asked and i just nodded.

"Is that why you and Amy almost got divorced......don't worry she didn't tell me, she told Mom who told all of us." She said. She and Amelia had the rambling thing in common.

"No, i asked her to not let the doctors amputate my leg and she ended up giving consent for an amputation." I said quietly lifting up my pant leg as her eyes widened.

"What're you two talking about?" Amy asked walking in furrowing her brows when she saw my pant leg lifted.

"I was showing her my leg." I said rolling it down.

"She was telling me why you almost got a divorce."Kathleen said smiling.


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