Part 22

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You're gonna need some backstory for this part. In this story, everything with Japril is the same until it gets to Matthew. She meets him and he's nice but he isn't a christian and he hit her a few times and so she denied his proposal and left him for Jackson. They had Samuel who died and then Harriet who is now 7. Matthew still works as a paramedic and April sees him sometimes at the hospital.

Arizona's POV- 3 weeks later 

Being shot was a very surreal experience and it was honestly not as bad as i imagined it to be but it still hurt like hell. Luckily the bullet didn't hit any organs and I only had the one surgery while my surgeon was held at gunpoint and my wife was telling the shooter to kill her and then.....the miscarriage. My life's kinds crazy. 

"Girls are you ready?" I shouted up the stairs as me and Amy waited for them to get ready. It was April and Jackson's gender reveal party and we had to get there early because Amelia was the only person who actually knew the gender, because she saw when she did the ultrasound after I got shot. I knew that she was gonna find it a little difficult after the baby but I knew how happy she was for April and Jackson

"Coming Mom!" April shouted back as she ran down the stairs followed by Mia.

Once we got there and handed everyone a gender specific confetti cannon it was almost time to find out. April and Jackson were very fluid people, they didn't like stereo types so they chose their favourite coloured for boy and girl. April chose Red for boy and Jackson chose Blue for girl since those were their Favourite colours. 

I noticed that April wasn't as happy as I thought she'd be and I didn't know why until I looked where she was looking and I realised why she looked so upset and scared.

"Matthew what are you doing here?" I walked over and asked him, before he answered I looked back at April who was not talking to Alex and Jo who were celebrating their 2 years wedding anniversary. 

"What, am I not allowed to come visit a friend and support her?" He asked putting his nice guy act into place.

"You know as well as i do that you and Apes are NOT friends, if i were you I would leave." I suggested before making my way back to Amelia, April and Mia for the gender reveal. I tried to get it out of Amelia but she wouldn't budge and I'm kind of glad she didn't.

Everyone stood with their confetti cannons as Jackson and April started counting down in unison.

"1.......2........3!" They said as everyone popped their cannons and confetti went everywhere........Red confetti.

"Oh my God we're having a baby boy!" Jackson yelled bending down and kissing April's 18 weeks big belly.

After the big reveal we all just celebrated and chatted and ate. There weren't many of us there since April and Jackson kept their friend circle mainly inside the hospital. From what I could see there was: Catherine, Richard, Bailey, Alex, Jo, Meredith, Meredith's kids,Owen,Teddy and Matthew. There was also Libby, Kimmy and Alice ( April's sisters), Joe and Karen (Her parents) and then Me, Amy and our girls. 

April seemed to have disappeared  and Jackson must have noticed since he was looking around for her too.

"Have you seen April?" He asked as I walked over and I just shook my head before looking down around the corner and seeing Matthew and April in what seemed to be a yelling match. 

"Um....Jackson." I said modding my head towards them, Jackson seemed to look annoyed and since the voices from the guests were covering up any noise they were making we had no idea what they were talking about.

"Holy crap!" I said as Matthew slapped April making her place her hand over her face and Jackson went from annoyed to looking like he was gonna shoot him in the head......too soon?

"Jackson...wait just.." I said following him over as he marched over making Matthew look at him. 

"Hey dude, we were just talki-" Matthew started when Jackson decked him right in the face.

"Okay, I deserved tha-" Matthew tried again touching the blood coming from his mouth when Jackson punched him again....and again....and again.

"Hey, come on!" Owen yelled as him and Alex had to drag him away from Matthew.

"Why is Jackson allowed to punch people but I'm not?" April asked walking over to me and April since Matthew had stormed out of a party full of surgeons who could help him.....idiot.

"No one's allowed to punch anyone,he's gonna get punished just like you did but he isn't just gonna get suspended. He might get arrested." April answered for me before going to find where Owen and Alex took Jackson.

"What a fun party." Amy said giggling as i smacked her in the arm making the twins both laugh.

2 days Later- Amelia's POV

No one heard from Matthew since the gender reveal and I was finding it harder and harder to keep a secret that not even Arizona knew. 

"Psst, Amelia." I heard a voice as I waited outside the hospital for Arizona, I knew exactly who it was and why he wanted to talk so for that exact reason I ignored it until I couldn't anymore.

"What do you want Matthew!" I whispered yelled turning to face him as he stood behind me. "Matthew, I haven't bought anything from you in almost 10 years and the last lot i bought I didn't even use." I said trying to walk away when he grabbed my arm. 

"Just take this fro free, if you want more then come back." He said handing me a small bag with about somewhere between 5- 10, 5g oxy pills in it.

I felt that urge hat I fought so hard to control all those years ago but it was coming back even harder.

"Hey, sorry you had to wait, my surgery ran long." I heard a voice from behind me as I shoved the bag into my pocket ad smiled.

"It's fine, the girls love spending time at April's, plus they get to see Harriet and feel Apes baby bump" I said as we walked to Arizona's car ad got in.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked as we drove down the street in silence. 

"Nothing I'm just..tired that's all." I said smiling at her as she eyes me suspiciously before turning her gaze back to the road.

We picked up the girls and then I went to bed because I didn't want to keep lying to my family.

The next morning me and Arizona went to work as usual but before we left I hid the bag of Oxy under a few of my clothes where I put some of y books that didn't fit on the shelf. I wasn't hiding them i just didn't have any space on the shelf and I didn't like to put things o top of the dresser.

April's POV

I had the day off so Amelia and Arizona asked me to watch the kids for a bit and I was happy to.

"April, do you know where  Mama keeps her books, all the ones of here are boring." Mia asked me as she looked over some books in her Mom's room.

"Yeah I think sh puts them in there." I sad pointing at the dresser before going to loo for April. I found her watching TV downstairs and decided to make them some food.

"April. What's this?" Mia asked walking into the kitchen as i looked up almost dropping everything. 

"Um.....This is not good. Amelia what have you done." I mumbled to myself taking the small bag from Mia's hands and putting it in my pocket.

"I'm gonna call your Moms and you two just wait here.


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