Part 16

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Amelia's POV

Arizona had already mourned her brother and he had already died so she only took about 3 days leave to process and she was back in surgery in no time. Personally i wanted her to stay home for at least a week but she insisted.

I was having a slow day so I sat in daycare reading as April played with April and Mia when what i thought was my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone and closing my book.

"Is this Dr. Arizona Robbins?" A man asked as i took the phone from my ear for a second to look at it and realised it was Arizona's phone, she must of left it with me when she went to surgery.

"This is her wife Dr. Amelia Robbins." I said and i was slightly confused.

"I'm with the Harper Avery foundation, your wife has been nominated for a Harper Avery award. The award ceremony will take place in 2 weeks time and if she is unable to attend someone can come and accept the award on her behalf." The man said and as soon as he said Harper Avery i shot up out of my seat causing almost everyone to stare at me.

"um....Thank you sir." I said before he hung up. 

"April, you good here with the girls i need to talk to Arizona?" I asked slowly walking backwards out the door as she nodded.

I got to the scrub room and took a mask and scrub cap before walking into the OR.

"Arizona, i need to talk to you." I said holding the mask over my face.

"What is it Amy, i'm in the middle of surgery." She said focusing on her patient.

"I got a call from the Harper Avery foundation." I said causing her to look up with her eyes widened.

"You were nominated." I finished as her eyes creased from her smile. She cleared her throat and tried to hide her excitement looking back to her patient.

"Is that all Dr. Robbins?" She asked trying o hide the smile behind her mask. 

"That's all." I said turning around and leaving the OR.


It was the day of the ceremony and me, April and Arizona were about to go to the airport when she was paged.

"No, we have to go now!" I said and she kissed me on the cheek before speaking.

"It's 911, i have to go. I wouldn't be a good doctor if i ignored a dying child.Have someone accept it on my behalf!" She said before turning around fully and running towards the ER.

"What do we do about her speech?" April asked holding up the piece of paper which gave me an idea.

"Well, Arizona isn't coming so we write our own speech that we do together." I said ripping Arizona's speech in half.


Arizona's POV

I had just finished my surgery and was about to leave the OR when Jackson walked in.

"Wait here a second." He said as i looked up to the gallery and saw Maggie with April and Mia along with Alex, Jo, Ben and dozens of other doctors and then i looked behind me and saw Bailey and Richard, Meredith and almost all the doctors in the hospital.

"What's going on?" I asked when someone wheeled in a huge TV.

"You couldn't go to the Harper Avery award ceremony  so we brought it to you." Bailey said as the TV turned on and there it was. The Harper Avery awards as Catherine started to speak.

"It is my distinct privilege and honour to award this years Harper Avery for surgical innovation. This award is named for my dear friend who we lost this year which makes this award evermore meaningful-" She started as i placed my hands in front of my face in suspense as she continued.

"Harper Avery was a complicated man, but his love for medical innovation was pure. and that describes this years winner so.... without further ado. The Harper Avery for surgical innovation goes to....." She continued as i kept looking up to my girls in the gallery and thinking about how disappointed they would be in me if i lost.

"Dr.Arizona Robbins!" Catherine said as everyone on the TV and around me started to clap and my eyes started to tear up. I waved up to April and Mia who were clapping as best they could before waving back to me when Catherine started to speak again.

"Here to accept on her behalf. Doctors April Kepner and Amelia Robbins!" She said leaving the podium as April and Amelia walked up in very fancy dress. I could see April and Mia pointing and giggling at their Mama on TV when Amy started speaking.

"Knowing very well that she might win this award tonight, Dr. Robbins Opted to stat in Seattle. A trauma came in and she knew that she was the right doctor for the job, that is one of the many reasons i'm so very very proud to call her my colleague, and my wife." Amelia said and i could see that she was tearing up when April took over.

"Now, Dr. Robbins has experienced more pain and loss then i think any f us would deem fair. We were in a plane crash and she lost her leg after weeks of serious pain and infection, the plane also took 2 very good friend of hers Dr. Mark Sloan and Dr. Lexie Grey. Arizona also lost her big brother lieutenant Timothy Robbins 13 years ago. The thing about Arizona is that she takes all that loss and turns it into drive to save lives." April smiled before touching Amelia's shoulder indicating for her to continue.

"Arizona has fought, and dealt with judgement and whispers almost her whole life and she has pushed through it, so well in fact that she was able to win this award and become an amazing surgeon, friend-" She started putting her hand on April's shoulder as i felt tears roll down my cheeks. 

"And an especially amazing Wife and Mother to our two beautiful healthy girls, who i know would be so proud of her if they knew what an award ceremony was" She waved a little i'm guessing to April and Mia before April took over again.

"I am profoundly grateful for the lessons I've learned from Arizona Robbins, and it is our distinct honour to accept this award on her behalf....Congrats Arizona!" April said holding up the reward as everyone clapped and cheered and whistled. I felt accomplished, happy and most importantly loved.

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