part 4

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A/N Similar storyline to calzona in season 10.

just Over 1 year Later-Amelia's POV 

It had been almost 2 months since Arizona left me, I had gotten high and said some things that i didn't mean and since then i wet to rehab and came back to work. I had a feeling Arizona wasn't gonna take me back so i needed a rebound. I needed someone who wouldn't get attached, an intern.

I stood at the door and watched them leave for services and i had Leah Murphy, she was nice, good looking and seemed to not get attached. All i had to do was get her to sleep with me. I now this is a weird thing to spend a day of work trying to do but if i didn't get a sexual pallet cleanser i would die inside.


There was a gala that night so i did one thing i knew how to do, i got drunk. I was in the crying stage of being drunk in a supply closet since i didn't want people to see me cry when the door opened and in walked in April, equally as drunk as i was.

After a few hours of drinking and laughing another person walked in.

" Dr.Shepherd, You paged?" Leah asked scanning the two drunk woman in front of her.

"Oh, yeah...I need you to go get us more champagne from the party!" I said holding up the empty bottle as she rolled her eyes and left.


It was getting late and Leah had called me and April a cab and i was about to shut the door when Leah stopped me.

"Listen, i'm about to take my intern exams which means i'm about to be a 2nd year resident....My babysitting days are over. I would appreciate if moving forward you would treat me with the respect i deserve." She said Sternly making me giggle slightly.

"You're adorable!" I said poking her nose. I was very very drunk and so instead of shutting the door i grabbed her coat and pulled her slightly closer and whispered.

"You wanna know a secret." I whispered and didn't wait for an answer i just carried on.

"I haven't had sex in over two months and if i don't have sex tonight i might just open the top left draw in my bedroom and take out the oxy so....I need someone to come home with me." I said not entirely in a whisper since, as iv'e said i was drunk.


I woke up the next morning to noises, for some reason i remembered what happened the night before, i stopped drinking hours before so the alcohol must of been mostly out of my system by them. I turned over to see Leah, putting her shirt on.

"You don't have to leave." I said making her jump.

"No, it's fine i have to find a costume for this thing at Jo's tonight." She said putting her pants on then grabbing the rest of her things and leaving.

I just sighed and laid back in bed. This mustn't have been her first time with a girl because that was amazing. She had moves that even Arizona didn't and Arizona was a hardcore lesbian. I definitely had to do that again and i wasn't even thinking about Arizona when it happened. 


I slept with Leah a few more times and i felt like it was really helping me forget about Arizona, I was about to text Leah when i got a page for a consult from Arizona. I had managed to avoid talking to her for the past few weeks but i guessed we would have to talk sooner or later.

An Amezona Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now