Chapter 1

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 1

That one day, that one piece of paper and a few words, changed our lives...or so I thought.

It was the first day of the week, the laziest one, yes, Monday.

Dragging up myself, I headed to my washroom and had a refreshing shower.

Just as I was about to login to my computer, my brother flung the door open as he ran towards me, half crying, half smiling. With him stood, Hardik...well, I don't hate him, but I don't like him as well. And we weren't close.

Focusing back on Darshan, he ran towards me with that weird expression and fell on me.

"Oye hang in there. What happened?", I asked trying to push him back. He was slipping down my parts... And he didn't realize...but that is the most embarrassing thing for me.

"Didi", he whined, crying. "This", he swayed a letter in the air.

"What's this?", I asked.

"It was on the table. It was the first thing we saw when we entered the studio. And he has been uncontrollable since then", Hardik said.

"I see. What's written in it?", I asked, thinking what could it be to change my brother's behavior.

"It is a love letter. It says that the sender loves me, a lot and can't live without me", he said wiping his tears.

"Then where is the problem?", I asked.

"I love someone else. Prisha, her name is. I love her a lot, but I haven't said it to her yet", he said.

"Why?", I asked.

"It has been five years, since college, I have liked her...but, I am afraid. We are good friends...and I don't know how it would turn out", he said.

"What does it have to do with the letter?", I asked.

"It hurts to know that someone loves me the same way I love Prisha... I don't know what to do", he said sulking in a corner.

"It's up to you, if you want to make her Cinderella or Juliet", Hardik spoke.

Darshan looked up at him.

"I mean, do you want to hunt down for her and find her like the prince or let her wait for you for an eternity like Juliet?", Hardik asked.

With this, Darshan's eyebrows knitted together. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

"I really want to know who she is, so that I can explain her that I can't love her, so she can move on to a better life", Darshan said, sadly. His eyes were lost in darkness. He was actually confused on what to do.

"You are, really very kind. I am proud of you", I gave him a small smile.

"Didi... ", he sounded.

"Well...that was just to make you feel better. There is nothing more to it", I said, embarrassed a bit.

Before I know, I was choking under him as he jumped on me to give me a hug.

"Get off... Me", I choked and he moved away from me, living me in a fizz.

"So, how do we find the writer?", Hardik questioned and Darshan went blank again.

"First things first, how did the letter enter in?", I asked.

"That's right. I didn't think about it", Darshan said.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now