Chapter 11

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

I was afraid of healing in darkness,

Even more, I was afraid of being seen with my scars in the light.

Chapter 11


I am just, shocked at the moment. The thing that, I am being discussed by three ladies...doesn't sink in.

Ever after our first date, Sadhna wanted to meet Prisha and didi, badly.

“You see, I am Darshan's fiancé”, she introduced herself. That formed a frown on Prisha's face and I felt panic rising in me.

“What? But, we are in a relationship. How can you want me to believe you?”, I had seen this coming.

And oh, if you think how I am surviving between this, I might add, I am trying to spy them. Yes, I want to know what they think of me. Of course, Sadhna knows that I am there... But, do the other two know?

“I know I know... He told me that he has a girlfriend on our first date”, Sadhna shrugged.

With that expression, I am going to be kicked down by everyone I have known. It's just going to worsen our relationship.

“Does that mean he is cheating on me?”, her eyes flicker to Sadhna.

“No... I don't think so. Because, we are not getting married anytime soon. Besides, I don't even like him”, she said and I see Prisha pursing her lips tight.

“They are just in deciding phase”, I hear a third voice, and understand it is didi.

My problem solver.

“Oh didi. When did you come?”, Prisha raised a brow at her.

“Just now”, she scurried past the few tables and sat beside them.

“So, what are we doing here?”, so typical of my sister.

“A meet and greet?”, Sadhna suggested sipping her orange juice.

“I am too busy to do that”, didi said rolling her eyes.

At this point, both the girls burst out laughing a little more.

“You are so much different from Darshan. It doesn't feel like you are his sister”, Sadhna said wiping her tears from the corner of her eyes.

“Oh he?”, she paused for a moment. “He is a dumb”, she said nonchalantly and I feel like standing on a cliff with the waves of shore hitting the bottom of it. Am I that kind of a fool?

“I agree”, Sadhna nods her head in agreement and Prisha does too.

This feeling...just gets worse.

I droop my head low, as dark clouds hover over me and I sulk into a corner.

“But, even so, he has a heart of gold. I don't think you can find one like him anywhere”, it's did who has spoken. I look at her and she is looking out the window.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now