Chapter 13

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We are the pieces of puzzles,
Together, we complete each other.

L3- A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 13


I stand out side Hardik's apartment exactly at 4.15. God knows what this boy does. He takes so much time getting ready.

I think he will come down in a whole marriage party look.

Much to my disappointment, he comes down in a button-down and dark washed jeans.

“Let's go?”, he asks opening the passenger door.

“What happened?”, he asks staring at me.

“I thought you would show up in a goddamn suit or something”, I said sighing out heavily as I seat myself in the driver's seat.

“Why? Are you getting married? Oh god! You should have said me. I am going to get changed into a suit, right now. Waise love wali ya arrange wali?”, he banters all at once.

He needs help.

“Oh god! No... Nothing like that is happening!”, I say banging my head on the car door.

“Stop your drama and get in. I don't want to be late”, he says folding his sleeves up and I give him an incredulous look.

“We are already late because of you”, I huff. Pat on the back, Mr. Darshan.

“We are more late because of your drama”, he says coolly and oh god! Can I just bang my head anywhere?

I just groan at his statement and start driving.

I park the car in the parking lot and lock it.

As we enter in, I call Sadhna to get the details of our plan.

Yeah, don't I sound like a spy on mission?

She replies that they are in the food court. I grab Hardik by his wrist who is busy flirting with a girl staff.

I walk over to the fifth floor where they are having their juices.

I see them from the back and both of them look so involved in the talk they are having. Anyone could say that they were looking like the best of friends.

If I remember Sadhna's words correctly, she never had a friend, let alone a best friend.

“Are you going to just stare at them?”, Hardik asks standing by my side.

“No”, I reply shortly as I move forward.

What is this doing to me?

Why is this happening to me?

I feel a pull of strings towards them.

Although, the strong should be directed from Prisha, it seems to be coming from all around me. It feels like, the strings are tangled. The strings of love, the strings of lie... Both are entangled. Although I have figured out the strings of love, this string of lie needs a space.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now