Chapter 26

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Hey, let's go and love the consequences.


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck


Darshan had called me in to discuss something important.

His important discussion... Sounds like a laughter club.

We had gotten back a few days ago and since then, he has been down.

It kills me, to see him that way.

Anyways, seeing him with those girls also did kill me, internally.

What else could I expect?

You foolish readers must be expecting me to say something sister-ly, but, you can't expect that, now.

I walk upstairs to his room and knock twice on the door.

He doesn't reply and so, I open the door.


He is sleeping on his desk, sitting cross-legged on his chair.

Seriously, who sleeps that way?

I keep the pastry that I had bought for him on the bed and look at his adorable and cute face.

No matter how much he grows up, he still looks like the five years old boy that I had met.

‘You haven't changed even a bit’, I say to myself... Although, it's a compliment for him.

I know he doesn't remember, at all.

He believes we are siblings, and if, that's the closest we can get, so be it.

His lips look so fresh and plump... I don't have the right words to describe the softness.

Nobody is here and he is sleeping... I wouldn't get a chance like this ever again.

And so, as the wind blows and curtain rises high, I push my lips on his.

He doesn't wake up. Thank god.

I don't want him to see the tears glistening in my eyes.

I don't want him to break off the haze.

It was a light kiss.

A very feather-like kiss. A very butterfly-like kiss.

I sit onto the bed and let the first few drops of tears fall down.

He is still sleeping, peacefully.

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.

If this is a reality, I want to fall asleep forever.

However, I want to be in a paradise with him.


The light of the room flickers across my retina and I pluck my eyes together.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now