Chapter 2

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 2

Laying on my back, I snorted out a laugh, re-watching Kenny's comedy stands while Darshan knocked on my door. He peeked in a little through the door and he hesitantly came in with a gamcha on one of his shoulder and with a bowl of kheer. I had finally lost my job. Thanks to Darshan and his dumbass friend. One good thing that came out was, I started freelancing. It is tough, but enjoyable.

Well, I keep my words. Behind him, came in Hardik, and I made sure he cleaned every nook and corner of my room.

"You both are doing a good job. I am sure if your fiancees see you doing such hardwork, then they will probably be ready in an instant", I chuckled at it.

Hardik rolled his eyes as he said, "It's a 'one-time thing' "

"Really? I thought it could last forever?", I knitted my brows as I shoved my phone out and showed a photo of them together working in the kitchen.

"What-- when did you take that?", Hardik's eyeballs nearly came out of their sockets.

"As you can see, when you both were working in the kitchen", I said, pretending to be thoughtful.

"Diya, please delete it", Hardik said pacing towards me fiercely.

"Arre arre... Wait. You complete your work, I delete it", I cracked a deal, knowing how they had a habit of leaving works in middle.

Hardik squared his shoulders and rolled his eyes, too. What contradictory personality!

"Well Darshan, what about you? How is your job going?", I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Last night he tried to call Prisha, but cut it right away. When she called back, he ignored it", Hardik said and I saw a rush of blood to Darshan's cheek.

"What a dumb brother I have got!", I rolled my eyes at Darshan.

Since childhood, Darshan had always been a kind brother. He had always been cute and obedient. He never liked to bail on people, because he cared too much about his friends and family. He needed to stop doing that. Caring about people is good, but caring about every little need of them is toxic. He was so innocent that his light almost blinds me. He is like a open-book. I don't know how he was with others. His friends would come to me complaining about how he got into fights and insulted others, but I could never believe them for when anything bad would happen, he would sneak into my room, lay on my lap and cry his eyeballs out. When he would be happy, he would slip out from the world with just a smile but would jump around with me. I was nothing but a support system for him.
He would look like a sad puppy when something didn't go his way. He would look like a butterfly when everything he wanted was with him.
I don't know, if it was easy...or I just learnt it, but I could read through his facade, so much so, that even his silence echoed with volumes of words in my mind.

"Didi", his voice softly broke me out of my trance. "What should I do?", he asked, sitting by me.

"Hand over your phone", I kind of ordered him. He hesitated at first, but handed over anyway.

"With whom would you like to go for dinner first?", I asked, raising my right brow.

His red started turning red blood from bottom to top. Seriously, he needed to get rid of that practice of being flustered.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Never mind. Save the best for the last", I remarked as I searched for Mira's number.

Me : Hi, sup?

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now