Chapter 16

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The protagonist and the antagonist,
All are waiting,
For your words to be woven.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck.

Chapter 16


I tapped on the table in front of me desperately as I waited for Prisha to show up.

She wasn't late, I was half an hour early.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I found that it was a call from Hardik.

“Dar-shwan, Yo-wur sist-wer was call-wing”, he spoke into the phone and I assume, he was eating something.

“Hardik, eat your food first and then talk”, I said, distressed.

“Ohh, your sister was calling”, he said now clearly.

“What? But why?”, I ask in disbelief. Is she okay? Has something happened to her?

“Apparently, she wanted to talk to you”, he informed.

“Talk to me? About what?”, I asked.

“C-wall her yo-wurself”, Hardik said again his mouth full of food.

“Okay”, I say back understanding what he meant.

It is so awkward pointing out how he should be behaving well. Doesn't he know the etiquette of eating? We shouldn't talk while eating.

I dial didi's number and wait as the rings go.

“H-wey”, she said, and I assume she had her mouth full of food, too.

What's with people today?

“Hi didi. I think you wanted to talk to me?”, I asked as polite as I could sound.

“O-wuh, th-wat? We c-wan t-walk ab-owut th-wat aft-wer yo-wu c-wome back”, she said again.

“What are you eating even?”, I asked irritated.

I hear her gulp down her food.

“I had pizza in my mouth”, she said.

“Is Hardik also there?”, I asked because, both of them behaved the same way.

“No, he isn't”, she denied flatly.

“Never mind, both of you act the same way at times”, I said out frustratedly.

I hear her chuckle before we bade each other and cut the call.

Why do I have weird people around me?

The door catches my attention as it moves back and a girl comes in.


I smile looking at her in her yellow frock. Mumbai winter is taking a toll on her.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now