Chapter 24

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It's too soon,
To lose to confusion.


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 24


As Hardik and Sadhna help us get back to the top, didi just keeps glancing at us.

“You guys are sure there is nothing dangerous right now?”, she asks.

“I don't think so”, Hardik replies.

Meanwhile, I see a firefly flying around me.

And then, I spot another one near Pri's leg. And, then there is another one near Sadhna's hand. And, soon we are surrounded by a few fireflies.

“This is serenic”, Hardik says as he takes his phone out to click a few pictures.

“They are flying somewhere”, I point out to the mass movement of the fireflies.

“Should we follow them?”, Hardik asks.

“As long as it is not dangerous”, didi says and we start running after the fireflies.

“Darshan, wait!”, Hardik yells trying to catch up with me.

“I won't wait, you need to run fast!”, I yell back and run even faster.

My eyes, are shining bright with the light of the fireflies. They say, fireflies are the living embodiment of the shooting stars.

I spot a slide next and stop. I wave at all of them to stop.

“What happened?”, didi asked me.

“There is a slide here, so be careful”, I said and carefully, tried to walk down.

“Be careful, or else you will break your leg!”, Hardik yells and I know he is doing it deliberately to scare me.

“If it happens, you will lose your life", I yell back without looking at him.

After getting to the ground, I move hither and thither. They must be somewhere near her.

The fireflies had suddenly vanished somewhere.

“What happened?”, didi asked coming to stand near me.

“I don't know where the fireflies went”, I reply.

“Are you serious!? What was all that rush for then?”, Hardik questioned.

Running and exercising were his enemy.

“I think we are kind of lost, right now”, Sadhna says.

All eyes stick to her.

“What? I have never been to this part of the forest and I am not sure if it's safe enough. I wanted to say it to you all from the start, but you all had already started running!”, she says grabbing her breath.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now