Chapter 10

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 10


I call up Prisha and we end up talking for nearly an hour after the date.

I wanted to talk to her about Sadhna, but I couldn't pull myself up to face her.

I hung up on her when I decided, I wanted to talk to didi and Hardik before taking any major step. It might be my life, but to live a regretless life, I need the advices of those who guide me.

"Didi.. ", I call after her as I go into her room to find it empty. I frowned at the sight of unorganized piles of papers and the unmade bed. There wasn't the sound of even the shower, and I knew that she wasn't in her room.

"Dad, have you seen didi?", I asked him when I saw him sitting in the living room with his newspaper.

"Oh her? She had gone out, not too long ago. She said, she was going to see an apartment and she would get something to make for dinner", dad informed me putting the paper away and looking at me.

Frownig, I turn around to go but dad stops me in the way, so I turn around to face him.

"Darshan beta, you are growing up. You shouldn't be getting closer to her", he said, looking straight into my eyes.

“Why shouldn't I?”, I asked staring at dad, confusedly.

“Err... You don't remember?”, he asked and I shook my head in a 'no'.

“I see... If you don't remember, then I shouldn't be the one telling you”, dad said returning to his newspaper.

It confused me a little... Okay, a lot.

“What was that about?”, I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “I am tired of all the mysteries tying around this house”, I said as I slumped down beside him.

His body shook as he laughed and shook his head to the sides, vigorously.

“There is just one mystery in this house, and that's your sister. Also, the mystery rounds just around you”, he said flipping the pages.

“Then reveal the mystery”, I perched onto his left arm.

“I can't”, he shook his head again.

And then, comes in the mystery Didi.


As I enter the house, I see dad and darshan. Darshan perching on dad's left arm, looking like he was asking for something...insisting.

I have spent enough time with him to understand his actions.

Looking at me, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped his own saliva.

“What's going on here?”, I asked dropping the market bags on the table as I take out the vegetables and fill them up in the fridge.

“Darshan was asking something”, dad says and I look at him.

“Dad said that I am going to get married so I shouldn't be getting closer to you”, Darshan rolled his eyes and I felt my legs firm to the ground.

Slowly, I lifted my eyes to dad to see his pursed lips.

I gulped in my own saliva and licked my lower lip. I continued putting the vegetables in the right corners.

“Didi. I want to talk to you”, he said taking his phone out and scrolling through it.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now