Chapter 23

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I needed you.
They wanted you.


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 23


I walk angrily on my path, holding Pri's hand tightly.

“What does she think of herself!”, I huff and keep walking.

At a point, I feel Pri stop behind me and I look at her.

Her eyes are staring at the ground beneath us and they are filled with...remorse?

She takes her hand out of mine and wraps it around herself.

“What happened, Pri?”, I asked cautiously, making my way forward.

She stays stiffed in her position.

“Darshan, I want to talk to you. I know it's going to be awkward, but I want you to know it”, she begins.

I look at her, tentatively. I want her to speak. At the same time, I want to question.

“Last week, Sadhna and I had gone out to a restaurant, she wanted to talk to me about something”, she couldn't meet my eyes and that's what bothered me more.

Flashback, (In Pri's POV)

“Sadhna and I were meeting at a cafe.

“Hey, what do you want to have?”, I asked her.

She had stayed mum and spoke as less as she could. It wasn't her usual self. It felt like, she was trying to hold something in.

“Is there something bothering you?”, I asked her, because I was worried.

Despite the fact that she was someone your family chose for you, she was a good friend of mine. I never had a friend as good and understanding as her. This shows in her ways of trying to patch us together even when it's her who is going to get hurt in the end.

“Hey, may I ask you a question?”, she had finally looked up and met my eyes fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

“Yeah, you may”, I urged her to go forward.

“How did you know that you loved Darshan?”, she asked me.

At that moment it felt like a thunderbolt hitting me straight in the chest. That was a question I dwelled upon, most of the times.

“I just...happened to love his reality. No matter how hard he was to get along with, I felt, I needed to stay with him”, I replied, subtly.

She just stared at her coffee then.

“Why did you ask though?”, I had sked her back.

“I don't know. I just felt like. Sometimes, when he is around, I want to let loose of myself. I want to be the one to make him smile. I want to wipe his tears and be the one who can comfort him... I know that it's a bit selfish and knowing that you love him, it's ethically wrong to accept it... But nothing right can come out of this if I keep this in my mind... That's why, I will let him live with you, because, he is happy with you”, she had said.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now