Chapter 19

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I am hanging down a cliff,
Ready to jump off to the ocean,
Full of your love.


L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 19


The crisp leaves popped under our feet, crumbling as we paced forward to get into the wooden cottage in the wild.

It was a narrow path and the cars brought us till here. Next, we had to walk.

Sadhna, Prisha and Darshan looked pretty happy going on and on, ranting about anything and everything.

"You have anything to eat?", Hardik asked from behind me.

"Do you have diabetes or something or what? You are always about food", I passed a comment.

"No, I am just hungry always", he yawned and flexed his arms.

It was just five of us in the whole forest.

I doubt it is just the happy squirrels and naughty monkeys around. It was a freaking forest after all. The density said otherwise.

It could be a hideout for the murderers or thieves.

The cabin door opened and one by one we stepped in.

"Woooooowwwww", nearly everyone gasped.

It was all red and yellow and bright and sunny. Something that was made to instantly lift your mood.

"About room distribution... Well, I am sorry, I didn't look into it earlier, but.. We have just four rooms", Sadhna said, a bit shamefully.

"Isn't that alright? Hardik and Darshan can take one room and the girls can have one room each to themselves", I said.

"I thought that was going to be an old trick to put in Darshan with one of the girls - Owww ", Hardik commented while I stepped on his feet.

"We need to change and get fresh, first", I suggested.

"There is a river nearby", Sadhna informed.

"We don't have shower here?", I asked.

"I mentioned that in the group.", she replied.

Well, if I had just gotten through the group messages more carefully.

But, well... Crap! What do I do now?

"Don't you have your bikini?", Pri asked me.

"Ahh... About that... No, I don't", I said, being awkward at first, then pure plain.

Darshan chuckled in the situation.

"Well, here I have something for your help", Darshan said proudly.

"Well, your boxers won't help", I rolled my eyes.

With that proud smile on his face, he dug out a pair of bikini from his bag.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now