Chapter 6

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Chapter 6

I walked to the kitchen, trying to make breakfast for Darshan and I. While I was at it, Darshan came from behind. "Good morning, didi", he wished before, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.

"Good morning", I answered from the kitchen not looking at him.

"Didi, I am going to the studio", he gave me a quick information and slipped into his half-sleeve vest and running upstairs.

This boy! I will call him once the food is done.

While the egg brothed and the coffee was brewed, I went to the kitchen cupboard to fetch some breads.

He loved munching onto his toasts with brothed egg.

As I finished, I-- almost ran-- upstairs, skipping two steps or three at times. The door was unlocked. Hardik, Dhruwal and Anmol were there.

Oopsy... Wrong timing.

I gave out an awkward smile. Surely, I couldn't call out Darshan out of the group and murmur breakfast is ready. That would be way too rude.

"Hello everyone", I gestured towards them. My dumb brother was sitting in front of his computer screen, Dhruwal perched on the headrest and arm of the chair Darshan was sitting on, Sid and Anmol sitting on two other chairs and Hardik standing by it.

"Erm... Didi... I will come in five minutes", Darshan said without looking up. He was serious.

When he was serious, he wouldn't listen to anyone's will. When he was serious, he wouldn't listen to his own will.

I walked down to the dining and lay down his breakfast.

It was drizzling outside. Winter rain. Cold rain. Unusual rain. The baby pink curtains of the window flew as far as they could with the wind. The shrivelling files that were strewn over the coffee tables started a struggle to fly away; although they were trapped under the weight of paperweights.

Darshan came down and yelled at his friends for something.

He came to me and prisoned me in a tight hug.

"Darshan, what happened?", I asked trying to take in his actions.

"Nothing", he breathed into my hair as he tightened his grip around me. The moment felt heavenly. I slipped my hands to his back and hugged him back. We stayed there, in the cage of each other. For seconds that turned to minutes.

Nothing. We loved each other and expected nothing in return. We hugged each other and the reason was nothing. We might not have known each other as well as the other siblings do, but, with this nohing we have a connection of everything with each other.

"Breakfast?", I asked and he hummed as he broke the hug.

I lay down the toast and tossed the egg on his plate.

"Didi...", he called out. I turned to face him. "I love you"


"Mira called us over for dinner", Darshan informed me while he buttoned up his shirt. His white shirt reflecting the light. His black jeans contradicting his features. His hair disheveled in all directions. His white and green snickers waiting for him. The tug of a little warmth in the core of my heart.

I pulled a plain red black full-sleeve T-shirt over my head and my white jeans contradicting my top. My black knickers waiting for me.

"Let's go", I said gathering my hair together to a high pony tail and smudged a bit of lip gloss over my lips.

I went out of my room and he came out of his room.

"Who is driving?", I raised my brows pulling my jacket over.

"Well, me?", he arched an eyebrow.

"I doubt you will make it there safely", I rolled my eyes at him.

"You wish", he said rolling back and jumping towards the key stand. Before I knew it, he was aiming for the car keys. I chased after him but he reached there first.

"See, I get to drive", he said sticking his tongue out and in mockery.

"Fine", I said swiping off the imaginary sweat off my forehead.

"Hand over the handkerchief to me", I laid out my palm and he gave it to me.

Blue floral. Cotton. Whit background and blue prints.

"Well, these come in packets of four. So if we find three others of this print, then we hit a Bingo", I answered.

"Why would anyone buy four handkerchief of the same color?", he asked, surprised. I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Well, there should be any color but blue. Mostly, green, pink and yellow", I answered.

"How do you know?", he asked back, wiggling his brows.

"Coz I have tons of them... Five of them were thrown away accidentally by you only. I can't imagine you don't remember", I said in a slightly dramatic tone.

"Well, umm... Sorry?", he apologized or asked, god knows.

"Keep it to yourself... Let's go now", I rolled my eyes again.

"Drive. Slowly", I muttered to him and he nodded.


We reached Mira's house in not less than twenty minutes.

She greeted us and asked us to come in. The handkerchief that was given out during the letter was brand new.

Here was a trick going to be played.

Indulging her in a girly talk would be easier. While Darshan and her were indulged in some random topics, I slid off from the background. Slowly, I made my way to her bedroom. This is bad. Very bad. God, forgive me.

I slipped in and searched her cupboard and closet. Don't squeak. Don't squeak. Don't squeak.

There wasn't any sign. In fact there weren't any handkerchiefs.

I went back to the living area where Darshan and her were still arguing over something.

This was the last resort. I took out the handkerchief and wiped my forehead.

"This handkerchief... ", Mira recognized it. Bingo!

"Yeah.. ", I prompted her.

"Nevermind. Actually I had been to market with Prisha recently. I saw her holding a bunch of those... ", she stifled a chuckle.

This is not good. No Darshan. Not now.

He was a full tomato.

"Are you sure she had those?", he asked nearly jumping over her.

"Y--Yeah. I had seen her buy them", Mira stuttered. Obviously, she was oblivion to the twist and turns of the situations.

Darshan was breathing heavy... So much so that I could see fumes coming out of his nose.

Good grief! Why can't this boy be normal? Why is he so flustered all the time???

"Well... I guess... We should have the dinner before it gets cold", I said to divert the attention of the tensioned situation.

"Y--Yeah.. ", Mira gave in and led us to the dining table. I pinched Darshan's cheeks and he winced. "Ouch... Didi", he winced.

"Act normal or I am going to leave you out of the house for a week", I said and walked towards the table while he caressed his cheek where I pinched.

"Why do I have such a sister!", he muttered under his breath.

"Because you deserve it"

// Okay, to start off... I had gotten a terrible writer's block while writing this story... Then I thought of twisting some parts... And here it is... It is a bit short... But in the next few parts there are going to be some new introductions... And I hope you like it the way it is... //

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now