Chapter 12

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L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck

Can we start over?
From where we had left it hanging?

Chapter 12

Today is one of the days which might just get me into uncalled troubles. If you are wondering why I think so... Let me say you, my dad is in a good mood.

Yes, my dear friends, my dad is in a good mood and this means disaster.

"Dad, you look happy", didi tries to talk to him seeing the creases on my forehead.

"Sadhna had called today morning, but Darshan was asleep. You guys are finally getting a bit serious", dad grinned.

I wonder if he grinned ever like that when mom had given her a damn love letter.

Thinking of letters... Let it be. Nobody around me is bringing the topic up and I know what it means.

It means the "official end of the search" Of the writer.

However, I frown at didi who is trying her best to stifle a laugh.

"I am going to my room", I get up from my place hinting didi, so that she knows that I am mad at her.

I am mad at her.

Making my way to my bedroom, I close the door behind and call her up.

She picks it up in first two rings.

"Hey, hi", I can picture her beaming and waving excitedly. In the background though, I hear the clinking of some vessels.

"Are you cooking?", I asked falling on my bed.

"Yeah... Pretty much to my surprise", she giggled.

I chuckled as my chest shook convulsively.

"You don't know how to cook?", I ask her.

"Just like you don't know how to be clever", she retorted.

I laugh a little more.

She giggles a little more.

"Why did you call me though?", I asked turning to the side.

"Oh, yes... I absolutely forgot about it. Prisha and I are going for shopping, so I wanted to know if you will be coming", she said, casually.

Holy freaking cats! Send me some orange juice, coffee, tea, water, beer, whatever liquid you can, so that I can just choke on it.

As you are not going to give it to me, or it is not going to appear magically, I stand up on my legs, almost suddenly.

My girlfriend and fiancé on a shopping.

Is that a nightmare?

"But why?", my voice comes out squeaky and dry.

"You don't want to come?", the clinking reduced and I assume she has stopped cooking.

"No, I didn't mean that... I mean why Prisha and you?", I asked.

L3 - A letter, some love and damn luck (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now